Boursin (cheese)

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Boursin cheese
Country of origin France
Region, town Normandy
Source of milk Cows
Pasteurised Yes
Texture Soft
Aging time
Certification French AOC 1963

Boursin [buʀsɛ~] cheese is a soft creamy cheese available in a variety of flavours. Its flavor and texture is somewhat similar to the American cream cheese.

Boursin cheese was first produced in 1957 by François Boursin in Normandy. Boursin is a trademark - Boursin cheese was at one time produced exclusively in Croisy-sur-Eure, France, by the Boursin company, a subsidiary of Group Bel, but is now also produced in the United States for North American distribution by Unilever.

Group Bel purchased the company on November 5th, 2007, for 400 million euros[1].

[edit] Advertising

The brand was advertised on UK television using the slogan: "Du Pain, Du Vin, Du Boursin" (Translation from French: Bread, Wine, Boursin)

[edit] References