Boudry (district)

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The District of Boudry is one of the six districts of the canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The district capital is the town of Boudry.

The district consists of the following municipalities:

District of Boudry, Neuchâtel
District of Boudry, Neuchâtel
Municipalities of Boudry
Municipalities of Boudry
Municipality Population
(31 Dec 2007)
Area, km²
Auvernier 1553 1.69
Bevaix 3753 10.76
Bôle 1765 2.58
Boudry 4905 16.78
Brot-Dessous 90 4.95
Colombier 5392 4.52
Corcelles-Cormondrèche 4405 4.86
Cortaillod 4416 3.67
Fresens 205 1.58
Gorgier 1851 13.97
Montalchez 213 6.41
Peseux 5648 3.43
Rochefort 1035 20.89
Saint-Aubin-Sauges 2460 7.71
Vaumarcus 248 1.78
Total 37,939 105.58