Function Summary:He will place a tag on all articles meeting Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion.
Edit period(s)(e.g. Continuous, daily, one time run):continuous
Edit rate requested:5 X X edits per TIME
Already has a bot flag(Y/N):N
Function Details:He will be working non-stop everyday. He will mark pages meeting the speedy deletion criteria, he will also monitor all talk pages to make sure there is no profanity etc.
What criteria does the bot use to decide whether or not to tag an article for speedy deletion? As a programmer myself, I am curious for your answer. Gary King (talk) 23:27, 8 April 2008 (UTC)
I have no idea how to operate a bot i thought it did it itself? i dont know how to so can you help me KingRockGo 'Skins! 23:33, 8 April 2008 (UTC)