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Named by grandson of Orwell Wright, he lived his life with intergrity. He lived to make the world a better place, to help the poor, and help the hungry. Alex Mitchard was a hero in the eyes of many. He fought the battle against cancer with many other hardcore supporters, they were not able to succesfuly discover a cure for cancer, but they were able to obtain some money, and spend in the effort for cancer. In Africa he helped out many young children, who were just looking for some supposrt, and someone to help them in their way through life. He was never able to save more than a couple lives, but and live saved, is better than a live lost. He was born in New Jersey, where quickly after his birth he was supposedly abducted by aliens, but it is more likely the he was left alone for too long with his mother, who was in search of a quick buck. He lived quitely in the woods of Hamilton, a small town in New Jersey. He lived among the woods, and was looked at as an outsider in the comunity. At the age of 16 he was able to escape into the fair educated town of Hendridge, WI. There he was able to learn under the renowned piano teach Grichiam. After his small incident with Mary J, he changed and started following the lord Jesus Christ. In 1989 he became the priest in the small town, and was infamously known for harrasing little children. He was also known for his great speaches, which were an insperation to many of the small town citizen. He directed the town's help in the problems of common day society, and was looked at as Jesus himself coming down from Heaven.
[edit] Alex and Motorcylces
Even though Alex was known for his great contributions towards Christianity, Alex also was a very competive Japanese motorcylce racer. He's won many tournaments and has raced with many sponsors including Kawasaki and Yamaha.