Book of Mormon rulers

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This article is meant to give a list of Book of Mormon rulers, including kings and chief judges among the Lamanites, Nephites, and Jaredites.


[edit] Nephites

The Nephites had kings to begin with, then judges, then a brief period of anarchy, then self-governance, initially led by the Savior's teachings.

[edit] Reign of the Kings

  • Nephi (569 BC)
  • 2nd Nephi, 3rd Nephi, etc. (Names not given) (c. 540 - 279 BC)
  • Mosiah (c. 279 BC)
  • Benjamin (c. 130 BC)
  • Mosiah II (c. 124 BC)

[edit] Kings of Lehi-Nephi

[edit] Reign of the Judges

[edit] Lamanites

The Lamanites appear to have had mostly kings.

[edit] Kings

[edit] Jaredites

[edit] Kings

[edit] References