Bonsai Kitten

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The Bonsai Kitten website in November 2005
The Bonsai Kitten website in November 2005

Bonsai Kitten is an internet hoax, which claimed to give instructions on how to grow kittens in bottles as a form of decoration, similar in fashion to a Bonsai tree. Soon after birth the kitten is supposedly placed in a glass container, allowing the kitten to grow to fill the vessel that contains it.

The kitten allegedly breathes through specially drilled holes in the glass and may be fed and expel waste through tubes, and their purpose is supposedly as an elaborate ornament, instead of a pet. Bonsai Kittens were first publicized on a how-to site called in 2000, though this domain no longer directs users to the site. This is a copy of the site:Bonsai kittens


[edit] The Hoax

Despite a massive negative response and much belief otherwise, the entire site is an elaborate hoax by a group of MIT graduate students.

The site is in part a parody of the Japanese art of bonsai, but also resembles the mythical practice of comprachicos (in which the subjects are human).

The hoax suggested that people could buy the required equipment through the website; this turned out to be entirely false, like the rest of the site. The hoaxer went so far as to create a falsified guestbook on the site, containing user responses, but checking these email addresses proves fruitless, as none of the users are real. Further support for the hoax came in the form of a falsified mailing list.

While the site is still live, the original registrant for was falsely listed with the address for the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University.

[edit] Reaction

A number of people fell for the hoax. Both those who were fooled, and those who felt that it was advocating animal cruelty, took the time to complain to animal welfare organizations about the site and to set up online petitions to have the site banned. The negative reaction caused web hosts to refuse the Bonsai Kitten site until it found a home at

The site was investigated by the FBI in February of 2001, and MIT was served with a subpoena, asking for "any and all subscriber information" of the website[1].

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links