Boneh/Franklin scheme

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The Boneh/Franklin scheme is an Identity based encryption system proposed by Dan Boneh and Matthew K. Franklin in 2001 [1]. This article refers to the protocol version called BasicIdent. It is an application of pairings (Weil pairing) over elliptic curves and finite fields.


[edit] Groups and parameters

As the scheme bases upon pairings, all computations are performed in two groups \textstyle G_1 and \textstyle G_2:

For \textstyle G_1, let \textstyle p be prime, \textstyle p \equiv 2 \mod 3 and consider the elliptic curve \textstyle E: y^2 = x^3 + 1 over \textstyle \mathbb{Z}_p. Note that this curve is not singular as \textstyle 4a^3+27b^2 = 27 = 3^3 only equals \textstyle 0 for the case \textstyle p = 3 which is excluded by the additional constraint.

Let \textstyle q > 3 be a prime factor of \textstyle p + 1 (which is the order of \textstyle E) and find a point \textstyle P \in E of order \textstyle q. \textstyle G_1 is the set of points generated by \textstyle P: \textstyle \left\{nP \| n \in \left\{0,\ldots,q-1\right\} \right\}

\textstyle G_2 is the subgroup of order \textstyle q of \textstyle GF\left(p^2\right)^*. We do not need to construct this group explicitly (this is done by the pairing) and thus don't have to find a generator.

[edit] Protocol description

[edit] Setup

The PKG chooses

  1. the public groups \textstyle G_1 (with generator \textstyle P) and \textstyle G_2 as stated above, with the size of \textstyle q depending on security parameter \textstyle k,
  2. the corresponding pairing \textstyle e,
  3. a random private master-key \textstyle K_m = s \in \mathbb{Z}_q^*,
  4. a public key \textstyle K_{pub} = sP,
  5. a public hash function \textstyle H_1: \left\{0,1\right\}^* \rightarrow G_1^*,
  6. a public hash function \textstyle H_2: G_2 \rightarrow \left\{0,1\right\}^n for some fixed \textstyle n and
  7. the message space and the cipher space \textstyle \mathcal{M} = \left\{0,1\right\}^n, \mathcal{C} = G_1^* \times \left\{0,1\right\}^n

[edit] Extract

To create the public key for \textstyle ID \in \left\{0,1\right\}^*, the PKG computes

  1. \textstyle Q_{ID} = H_1\left(ID\right) and
  2. the private key \textstyle d_{ID} = sQ_{ID} which is given to the user.

[edit] Encrypt

Given \textstyle m \in \mathcal{M}, the ciphertext \textstyle c is obtained as follows:

  1. \textstyle Q_{ID} = H_1\left(ID\right) \in G_1^*,
  2. choose random \textstyle r \in \mathbb{Z}_q^*,
  3. compute \textstyle g_{ID} = e\left(Q_{ID}, K_{pub}\right) \in G_2 and
  4. set \textstyle c = \left(rP, m \oplus H_2\left(g_{ID}^r\right)\right).

Note that \textstyle K_{pub} is the PKG's public key and thus independent of the recipient's ID.

[edit] Decrypt

Given \textstyle c = \left(u, v\right) \in \mathcal{C}, the plaintext can be retrieved using the private key:

\textstyle m = v \oplus H_2\left(e\left(d_{ID}, u\right)\right)

[edit] Correctness

The primary step in both en- and decryption is to employ the pairing and \textstyle H_2 to generate a mask (like a symmetric key) that is xor'ed with the plaintext. So in order to verify correctness of the protocol, one has to verify that a honest sender and recipient end up with the same values here.

The encrypting entity uses \textstyle H_2\left(g_{ID}^r\right), while for decryption, \textstyle H_2\left( e\left(d_{ID}, u\right) \right) is applied. Due to the properties of pairings, it follows that:

H_2\left( e\left(d_{ID}, u\right) \right) &= H_2\left( e\left(sQ_{ID}, rP\right) \right) \\
&= H_2\left( e\left(Q_{ID}, P\right)^{rs} \right) \\
&= H_2\left( e\left(Q_{ID}, sP\right)^r \right) \\
&= H_2\left( e\left(Q_{ID}, K_{pub}\right)^r \right) \\
&= H_2\left( g_{ID}^r \right) \\

[edit] Security

The security of the scheme depends on the hardness of the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (BDH) for the groups used. It has been proved that in a random-oracle model, the protocol is semantically secure under the BDH assumption.

[edit] Improvements

BasicIdent is is not chosen ciphertext secure. However, there is a universal transformation method due to Fujisaki and Okamoto that allows for conversion to a scheme having this property called FullIdent.

[edit] External Links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Dan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin, Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing Advances in Cryptology - Proceedings of CRYPTO 2001 (2001)