Bolivian legislative election, 2005

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The 2005 Bolivian legislative election was held simultaneously with the presidential election on 18 December 2005. The elections were held to elect a new National Congress, composed of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, for a full four-year term.


[edit] Electoral system

Bolivians cast two ballots for national officials: one for a party and one for their single-member district representative in the Chamber of Deputies. The party vote applies to the presidential race, to Senators and to the Chamber of Deputies proportional representatives. Senators and deputies are returned on a departmental basis; senators are elected on a majoritarian basis, with the first-place party receiving two and the second-place party one, while deputies are elected on a mixed-member basis, with district deputies joining list deputies awarded by compensatory proportional representation. However, there is no national distribution of seats.

[edit] Campaign

See Bolivian presidential election, 2005.

[edit] Results

ed 18 December 2005 National Congress of Bolivia election results
Parties Votes % Deputies Senators
Movement Toward Socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo) 1,544,374 53.7 72 12
Social and Democratic Power (Poder Democrático y Social, PODEMOS) 821,745 28.6 43 13
National Unity Front (Frente de Unidad Nacional) 224,090 7.8 8 1
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario) 185,859 6.5 7 1
Indigenous Pachakuti Movement (Movimiento Indígena Pachakuti) 61,948 2.2 - -
New Republican Force (Nueva Fuerza Republicana) 19,667 0.7 - -
Agrarian Patriotic Front of Bolivia (Frente Patriótico Agropecuario de Bolivia) 8,737 0.3 - -
Social Union of the Workers of Bolivia (Unión Social de los Trabajadores de Bolivia) 7,381 0.3 - -
Total (turnout: 84.534 %) 2,873,801 100.0 130 27
Null votes 104,570 3.4
Blank votes 124,027 3.0
Total votes 3,102,417 100.0
Registered voters 3,671,152
Source: CNE and Rulers

[edit] External links