Bohemian Prater

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The Boehmian Prater is a small amusement park at the edge of Vienna, which is together with the nearby-situated recreation area Laaer mountain a popular trip goal for families. In Boehmian Prater, there are several rides, which have partially an age of 100 years. The name is derived from the large Viennese Prater. The Boehmian Prater, situated on Laaer mountain at the edge of the forest of Laer in 10. Viennese municipality district called "Favoriten". The roundabouts and catering trade enterprises are appropriate along a pedestrian precinct. The center of the Boehmian Praters forms the meeting center Tivoli. The entertainment park originated in the second half of 19th century. From the original inn for the Viennese brick workers the first trip hotel on the Laaer mountain developed at those days. In the year already numerous plate familyfamily plate families had settled 1883 in the Boehmian Prater. These came, like also the workers of the brick factory, predominantly from the Austrian states Bohemia and Maehren. In the following years it came to a constant enlargement of the entertainment park. During the Second World War, on 11 December 1944, the Boehmian Prater was almost completely destroyed by a bomb attack. After the reconstruction in the postwar years it finally received its current appearance.

[edit] Ferris Wheel

As on the large Prater in Vienna, there is a Ferris wheel. It has 14 cabins and a diametre of 21 metres and it is operated by Reinhardt.