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Bogurodzica  manuscript (1407)
Bogurodzica manuscript (1407)

Bogurodzica (The Mother of God) is the oldest Polish religious hymn. Composed in the 10th-13th century. The origin of the song is not clear.

Polish knights sang it as an anthem before the Battle of Grunwald and during the battle with the Turkish army at Varna in 1444. Bogurodzica accompanied also the coronation ceremonies of the first Jagiellonian kings.


[edit] History

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forces (probably sixteenth - seventeenth century) singing the Bogurodzica hymn before the battle. Painting by Józef Brandt.
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth forces (probably sixteenth - seventeenth century) singing the Bogurodzica hymn before the battle. Painting by Józef Brandt.

It was recorded in writing at the beginning of the 15th century. Two records preserved till today date back to that time:

  1. the Kcynia record including two initial stanzas together with musical notation;
  2. the Kraków record covering thirteen stanzas without notes.

Other records date back to the second half of the fifteenth century, the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and to the beginning of the 16th century. In 1509 the song was printed in Kraków in Jan Łaski's Statut.

The origin of the song is not clear (the thesis about the authorship of St Adalbert has been rejected). It used to be related either to Latin liturgy, the tradition of church hymns, Greek or Old Church Slavonic influences, Western or Eastern culture. The two initial stanzas were created first - probably in the middle or at the end of the thirteenth century, or possibly at the very beginning of the fourteenth century.

Bogurodzica is a prayer hymn whose first stanza contains an invocation to Christ through the intercession of Mary. It begins with an apostrophe to her - to the Mother of Christ, the Virgin, praised by God, the chosen one. After the apostrophe, there is an appeal to Mary to win favour for people from her Son.

The second stanza begins with direct addresses to Christ (called God's Son) - with an invocation to John the Baptist who can support human imploring. The prayer closing this stanza contains a request that Christ give people a blissful stay on earth and, after death, everlasting existence in heaven. The subsequent stanzas develop various motifs: Easter, the Passion, a litany - with invocations to the saints.

Bogurodzica was initially connected with the mass and procession but already in the fifteenth century it became a knight's hymn. Thanks to Jan Długosz (historian, author of Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae) we know that it was sung at Grunwald in 1410 as well as before other battles in subsequent years. It also accompanied the coronation ceremonies of Władysław Warneńczyk. That is why Długosz called Bogurodzica "carmen patrium" (the hymn of the motherland). In the next centuries the hymn lost its significance. It regained its position of "carmen patrium" in the nineteenth century and has held it to the present day.

[edit] Lyrics

Old Polish English Latin version
Bogurodzica, dziewica, Bogiem sławiena Maryja, Mother of God, Virgin, by God glorified Mary, Deigenitrix illibata, Dei dicata Maria,
Twego syna, Gospodzina, matko zwolena Maryja, From your son, our Lord, chosen mother, Mary! Apud tuum filium es electa, Maria,
Zyszczy nam, spuści nam. Win over for us, send to us. Lucreris, veniam et miserere.
Kyrieleison. Kyrie Eleison.
Tui Domini Baptisam pareens Dei,
Twego dziela krzciciela, Bożyce, Son of God, for the sake of your Baptist, Audi vota, reple vota mentes hominum,
Usłysz głosy, napełń myśli człowiecze. Hear our voices, fulfill man's intentions. Audi vota, reple vota mentes hominum,
Słysz modlitwę, jąż nosimy, Hearken to the prayer that we offer, Refunde, redde hoc, quod quesumus:
A dać raczy, jegoż prosimy, And deign to give us what we ask for: Da in hoc esse celi esse.
A na świecie zbożny pobyt, On earth, a pious sojourn, Domine, miserere.
Po żywocie rajski przebyt. After life, heavenly residence.
Kyrieleison. Kyrie Eleison. Consurge nos propter Deum
Hac sede homo faustulus,
Nas dla wstał z martwych Syn Boży, Dum perduxit populum,
Wierzyż w to człowiecze zbożny, Abduxit baratro sinum.
Iż przez trud Bog swoj lud odjął diablej strożej
Nos adiit statu eterno,
Przydał nam zdrowia wiecznego, Vinclavit caput inferno,
Starostę skował pkielnego, Necem sumpsit recolens
Śmierć podjął, wspominął człowieka pirwego. Hominem primevum.

Jenże trudy cirzpiał zawierne, Adam, tu plasma Dei,
Jeszcze był nie prześpiał zaśmierne, Tu es vir veri consilii,
Aliż sam Bog z martwych wstał. Fac, ut tui pusilli
Sint in arce celi.
Adamie, ty Boży kmieciu,
Ty siedzisz u Boga w wiecu, Immensa qui preces sutulit
Domieściż twe dzieci, gdzie krolują anjeli. Pro fidis sistere voluit,
Donec met El consurit.
Tegoż nas domieściż, Jezu Chryste miły,
Bychom z Tobą byli, Fuit El caritas, fuit pietas, visa est eterna
Gdzież się nam radują szwe niebieskie siły. Angeli superna
Iaccio demonum claruit eterna.
Była radość, była miłość, było widzienie
Tworca anjelskie bez końca, Auro nec argeno nos dyabulo redemit,
Tuć się nam zwidziało diable potępienie. Sua vi intervenit.
Homo, causa tui dedit
Ni śrzebrzem, ni złotem Manus, pedes figi,
Nas diabłu otkupił, Cruor fluxit, sanguis ad salutem tibi.
Swą mocą zastąpił.
Ibi nos deducas, Iesu Criste pie,
Ciebie dla, człowiecze, dał Bog przekłoć sobie Ibi devenire,
Ręce, nodze obie. Queamus regnare tecum sine fine.
Kry święta szła z boka na zbawienie tobie.
Maria, mater pia, ora tuum natum,
Wierzyż w to, człowiecze, iż Jezu Kryst prawy, Ut nobis sanaret populum sceleratum.
Cirzpiał za nas rany, Amen, amen.
Swą świętą krew przelał za nas, krześcijany.

O duszy o grzeszne sam Bog pieczą ima,
Diabłu ją otyma,
Gdzie to sam kroluje, k sob[ie] ją przy[i]ma.

Maryja dziewice, prośmy synka twego
Króla niebieskiego,
Aza nas uchowa ote wszego złego.

... tako Bog Daj,
Bychom szli szwyćcy w raj.

[edit] Quotations in modern music

Andrzej Panufnik - Sinfonia sacra (1963)

Wojciech Kilar - Bogurodzica for choir and orchestra (1975)

Krzysztof Meyer - Symfony No. 6 "Polish" (1982)

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  • Bogurodzica. Oprac. J. Woronczak, wstęp językoznawczy E. Ostrowska, oprac. muzykologiczne H. Feicht, Wrocław 1962. Biblioteka Pisarzów Polskich.
  • J.Birkenmajer, Bogurodzica Dziewica. Analiza tekstu, treści i formy, Lwów 1937.
  • S.Urbańczyk, "Bogurodzica". Problemy czasu powstania i tła kulturalnego, w: Prace z dziejów języka polskiego, Wrocław 1979.
  • A.Czyż, Bogurodzica - między Wschodem i Zachodem. Kilka myśli o duchowej jedności Europy, w: Światło i słowo. Egzystencjalne czytanie tekstów dawnych, Warszawa 1995

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