Božidar Katić

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Božidar Katić (Serbian: Божидар Катић) is a Serbian revolutionary politician from Milosevic's time. Member of the nationalistic SPO /Vuk Draskovic/ and then the New Serbia /president Velimir Ilic/, monarchistich conzerativ party. Local TV star in Western Serbia, using his popularity for his party. His koments in local press /former "Šabačka revija", and now "Podrinske"/ and apirens on TV make him very popular in this part of Sebia. One of the heroes of the October revolution in Serbia. A strong nationalist and member of the Serbian Orthodox Church.Strong and nacionalist ideoligy, made him a lider of groups close too neo-naci stile off thinging.Their appirenc in pubic is more and more visible, and more and mor people sees him as the mesia.In his home town most of the people thik that onliy thnig Božidar Katic need is a good, and true svastika on his party flag.One of tose smoll Bold textnaci liders in their smol town, or city, what Šabac become in the last years.