User:Blu elph44

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"Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long. And it always, at the end, came round to the same place again"

- The Stand

Are you watching closely?

This user is on a mission from God.

This user will fight in the shade.

This user wants to be a Happy Choo-Choo Train until the day he Dies.

The Good In this world, there's two kinds of users: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

This user should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of this user.

This user ate a census taker's liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

SK This user enjoys the works of Stephen King.

G.O This user enjoys the works of George Orwell.

Cthulhu This user is interested in the Great Old One.

Big Brother is watching this user.

This user thinks the book A Clockwork Orange is horrorshow.

DT This user is a Dark Tower Junkie.

This user writes short stories.

LOST 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…

DOCTOR JOHN ZOIDBERG This user lives in a maternifuge.

This user is on the list.

TZ This user was once trapped in
The Twilight Zone.