Blunt-jawed elephantnose

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Blunt-jawed elephantnose

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Osteoglossiformes
Family: Mormyridae
Genus: Gnathonemus
Species: G. tamandua
Binomial name
Gnathonemus tamandua
(Günther, 1862)

The blunt-jawed elephantnose, Gnathonemus tamandua, is an elephantfish in the genus Gnathonemus. Other names in English include worm-jawed mormyrid. It is found in murky waters in West Africa. The fish is brown or black with a long elephant-like snout and the mouth is located near the end of this probiscus. Its diet consist of worms, small fish, and insects.[citation needed]

In captivity are fairly hard to take care for because they need a narrow range of water temperatures, a large tank, and special food.[citation needed]

[edit] See also