Talk:Block and tackle

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Not being a regular wikipedia editor, i wanted to check with someone before i did this. Is it proper to put pronunciation in an article? The correct pronunciation of this is "block and take-el" not "block and tackle" as one might expect. The spelling is fine, but the pronunciation is wierd.

Sure, for oddball cases like this. Stan 13:36, 5 January 2006 (UTC)
Maybe this should be phrased as the "official" pronunciation. Block and tackle is pronunced the expected way quite often. I've never heard the take-el version. ChrisLawson 19:11, 14 June 2006 (UTC)
It probably depends on your background. The pronunciation in the article as highlighted by the unsigned message at the top of this page seems to be from the Royal Navy. If I had a citation for it I would add it. If you have strong feelings about it you may wish to highlight the pronunciation you are used to and the one in this article as the different versions. Language moves. Look at what Michael Crawford did in the UK for the word "harassment" Fiddle Faddle 19:33, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

Joe 02:36, 22 June 2006 (UTC)Rescue Technician textbook reference added. For the record, I am an EMT and took the Heavy Rescue Technician course at the Bergen County EMS academy in Paramus, NJ, where this book was used as a textbook. Also for the record, this was the textbook used during the period of the 9-11-2001 terrorist incident, so that many of the rope rescue teams from New Jersey utilized the skills taught by this book in the work of rescue and mostly recovery operations at the former World Trade Center site. Other books of value that go into even more detail come under the heading of Technical Rigging, several of which are published by Elvesier and Jones and Bartlett Publishers. People looking to utilize these skills in the outdoors should look for the sites covering wilderness EMT, and whitewater rescue.