Bligh County, New South Wales

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New South Wales

Location in New South Wales
Cadastral units around Bligh
Napier Pottinger Buckland
Lincoln Bligh Brisbane
Gordon Wellington Phillip

Bligh County, New South Wales was one of the original Nineteen Counties in New South Wales and is now one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It includes Dunedoo. The Cudgegong River and the Goulburn River are its southern boundaries; the Krui River is the eastern boundary, and the Burragundy River the northern boundary. It includes the village of Cassilis.

The county was named after William Bligh, Admiral and Governor of New South Wales (1805-1808).[1] The Electoral district of Phillip, Brisbane and Bligh was the first electoral district for the area, between 1856 and 1859.

[edit] Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:

Parish LGA Coordinates
Bellaleppa Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°01′54″S, 150°07′04″E
Berenderry Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°00′54″S, 150°10′04″E
Bligh Mid-Western Regional Council 32°09′54″S, 149°42′04″E
Bobadeen Mid-Western Regional Council 32°10′54″S, 149°48′04″E
Booyamurna Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°47′54″S, 149°50′04″E
Borambil Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°02′54″S, 150°02′04″E
Bowman Warrumbungle Shire Council 32°03′54″S, 149°37′04″E
Bulga Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°52′54″S, 149°59′04″E
Bungaba Mid-Western Regional Council 32°09′54″S, 149°38′04″E
Collaroy Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°02′54″S, 150°01′04″E
Collieblue Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°51′54″S, 149°46′04″E
Collier Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°55′54″S, 149°45′04″E
Cope Mid-Western Regional Council 32°16′54″S, 149°39′04″E
Cunna Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°47′49″S, 150°05′47″E
Curryall Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°04′54″S, 149°50′04″E
Doulagunmala Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°56′54″S, 150°00′04″E
Durridgere Mid-Western Regional Council 32°10′54″S, 149°53′04″E
Goodiman Mid-Western Regional Council 32°12′54″S, 149°23′04″E
Goolma Mid-Western Regional Council 32°18′54″S, 149°16′04″E
Guroba Wellington Council 32°29′24″S, 149°14′04″E
Lorimer Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°54′54″S, 150°13′04″E
Merotherie Mid-Western Regional Council 32°08′54″S, 149°29′04″E
Moan Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°51′10″S, 150°09′48″E
Munmurra Mid-Western Regional Council 32°10′54″S, 150°01′04″E
Nagora Upper Hunter Shire Council 31°53′54″S, 150°05′04″E
Nandoura Warrumbungle Shire Council 32°02′54″S, 149°48′04″E
Nanima Wellington Council 32°29′54″S, 148°59′04″E
Narragamba Mid-Western Regional Council 32°10′54″S, 149°35′04″E
Puggoon Mid-Western Regional Council 32°17′54″S, 149°27′04″E
Rotherwood Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°49′54″S, 150°01′04″E
Rotherwood Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°52′24″S, 149°53′04″E
Rouse Mid-Western Regional Council 32°08′54″S, 149°26′04″E
Stubbo Mid-Western Regional Council 32°17′54″S, 149°34′04″E
Talbragar Warrumbungle Shire Council 32°01′54″S, 149°33′04″E
Tallawang Mid-Western Regional Council 32°12′54″S, 149°28′04″E
Terraban Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°59′54″S, 149°39′04″E
Tomimbil Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°06′54″S, 150°00′04″E
Turee Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°58′54″S, 149°50′04″E
Turill Upper Hunter Shire Council 32°01′54″S, 149°56′04″E
Uarbry Warrumbungle Shire Council 32°02′54″S, 149°45′04″E
Ulan Mid-Western Regional Council 32°14′54″S, 149°44′04″E
Wargundy Warrumbungle Shire Council 32°02′54″S, 149°27′04″E
Warung Warrumbungle Shire Council 31°45′54″S, 150°03′04″E
Wondaby Wellington Council 32°26′54″S, 149°12′04″E
Worobil Mid-Western Regional Council 32°22′54″S, 149°13′04″E
Wuuluman Wellington Council 32°29′24″S, 149°10′04″E
Yarragal Wellington Council 32°35′54″S, 149°06′04″E
Yarrobil Mid-Western Regional Council 32°19′54″S, 149°21′04″E

[edit] References

  1. ^ Geographical Names Board of NSW