Wikipedia:Black's Law Dictionary topics
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The following is a list of articles in Black's Law Dictionary, fifth edition (1979). All the articles should be created either alone or in a list, and legal meanings should be added to old articles.
[edit] A
- A ver et tener - "to have and to hold"
- Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia - "a conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid."
- Abacist/abacista
- Abaction
- Ab actis
- Abactor
- Ab agendo
- Abalienate
- Abalienatio
- Abalienation
- Abamita
- Abondon
- Abandonee
- Abandonment
- Abandyun / Abandum / Abandonum
- Ab ante
- Ab antecedente
- Ab antiquo
- Abarnate
- Ab assuetis non fit injuria
- Acceptable nuisance
- Abatamentum
- Abatare
- Abate
- Abatement
- Abatement of action
- Abator
- Abatuda
- Abavia
- Abavita
- Abavunculus
- Abavus
- Abbacinare
- Abbacy
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbat
- Abbreviatio placitorum
- Abbreviators
- Abbrochment / Abbroachment (forestalling the market)
- Abbutals
- ABC test
- ABC transaction
- Abdication
- Abditorium
- Abduction
- Abearance
- Ab epistolis
- Aberemurder
- Abesse
- Abet
- Abetment
- Abettator
- Abettor
- Ab extra
- Abeyance
- Abiaticus / Aviaticus
- Abide
- Abide by
- Abiding conviction
- Abigeatores / Abigeus
- Abigeatus
- Abigei / see abigeus
- Ability
- Ab incnvenienti
- Ab initio
- Ab intestat / see intestate
- Ab intestato
- Ab invito
- Ab irato
- Abishering / Abishersing
- Abjudicatio
- Abjuration
- Abjuration of the realm
- Abjure / see abjuration
- Able-bodied
- Able-bodied seaman