Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

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Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Developer(s) NovaLogic
Publisher(s) NovaLogic
Designer(s) NovaLogic
Platform(s) PC, PS2, Mac, Xbox
Release date 2003, 2005
Genre(s) First-person shooter
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (T)
Using a sniper rifle
Using a sniper rifle

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is a first-person shooter set in Somalia during Operation Restore Hope in 1992 and Operation Gothic Serpent in 1993, with missions taking place primarily in Jubba Valley and the capital Mogadishu.

The game was developed by NovaLogic and was released on PC on March 24th, 2003, on Mac on June 21st, 2004, on PS2 on July 27th, 2005 and on the Xbox on September 8th, 2006. It is the 6th game of the Delta Force series.

Although the game shares the name "Black Hawk Down", it is not a tie-in with either the book Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden or the film Black Hawk Down directed by Ridley Scott.


[edit] Missions

The player starts out as a 10th Mountain Division soldier taking part in Operation Restore Hope as part of the United Nations-backed humanitarian effort to end the famine which had killed 300,000 civilians. After the third mission, the player takes the role of a member of Task Force Ranger taking part in Operation Gothic Serpent, which fought in the Battle of Mogadishu on October 3, 1993. This section of the game is divided, with the first few missions having the player take the role of a Ranger of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, while the latter half has the player assuming the role of an operator of the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, more commonly known as Delta Force.

[edit] Marka Breakdown

Date: February 16, 1993 – 15:30 hours

Location: Marka Village, Jubba Valley

Default weapons: M21, M9 Beretta, AT4

The 10th Mountain Division are dispatched via convoy from a small village near a UN convoy that has broken down in a valley. The player must fight his way towards the location of the broken convoy and provide fire support until a mechanic can fix a disabled truck. Once the player arrives on scene, they must defend the site for a few minutes. Ultimately, a Black Hawk arrives to provide fire support and the player is ordered to locate a nearby enemy outpost and to eliminate all bandits there. Once all bandits are eliminated, the player boards a Black Hawk and the rest of the mission requires the player to defend the convoy from the air until it reaches its destination.

[edit] Bandits Crossing

Date: February 27, 1993 – 19:30 hours

Location: Jubba Valley

Default weapons: M16, M9 Beretta, Satchel charges

A 10th Mountain Division team is sent on patrol around a village where the UN is distributing food and provisions to local civilians. The 10th Mountain are advised that bandits may raid the village to try to seize the food trucks and use it for their own clan. Surely enough, a group of bandits attack the village and the player must fend off all bandits. Once the village is secure, the player is ordered to take up a position on a river bank overlooking a bridge and a river with an enemy encampment on the other side. The player is ordered to cross the bridge and destroy any enemy weapon and ammunitions. Once the player destroys the weapons, he must cross the bridge again and set charges on it, as a dozen technicals converge on the location. The mission ends with the destruction of a large wooden bridge.

[edit] River Raid

Date: April 27, 1993 – 07:00 hours

Location: Brava Village, Jubba Valley

Default weapons: M16/M203, M9 Beretta, AT4

The 10th Mountain Division are sent in once again when an informant locates a weapons warehouse containing weapons ready to be delivered to the enemy clan for use. The team is sent in by helicopter and fights their way through the village on foot until they arrive at the warehouse. The player must secure the warehouse. After the warehouse is secure, the 10th Mountain Division is given another objective to make their way to Deka, another village to the east on ground transport. The player must ride a truck while defending it from enemy technicals. The truck stops and the player realizes there is a minefield ahead. Once the player clears the minefield, he must cross a crocodile-infested river to rendezvous with a secondary 10th Mountain Division team. Both teams link up across the river and just outside the target village and make a successful raid on the town. The player must destroy a boat that just left the docks at the town to complete this mission.

[edit] Gasoline Alley

Date: August 27, 1993 – 20:15 hours

Location: Mogadishu Outskirts, Somalia

Default weapons: M16, M9 Beretta, Satchel charges

Task Force Ranger will execute their first mission in this operation. The player fights as a Ranger. The Rangers receive intel about Aidid’s financial chief, Osman Atto and locates a garage where he is fitting trucks with machine guns that pose a threat to UNOSOM II forces. The Rangers are sent into Mogadishu via humvees and trucks and drive their way into enemy territory, taking heavy sniper fire. Once they arrive at the garage, a small Ranger team secures the perimeter of the garage and takedown the building. As they’re inside, an enemy truck rams through the main garage door and explodes. The player must defend the garage until the convoy returns to pick them up. After being pinned down for several minutes, the convoy eventually arrives and the player must plant satchel charges on the trucks inside the garage and detonate them once he is on the convoy. The mission ends with the convoy leaving and the garage exploding.

[edit] Besieged

Date: May 5, 1993 – 13:30 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: M16, M9 Beretta, Satchel charges

A Pakistani convoy has been ambushed and is pinned down in Mogadishu. A small Ranger team is sent in via humvee and upon nearing the convoy takes fire from enemy vehicles. Once the player arrives at the rear of the Pakistani convoy, the player must pick off the enemy snipers from the rooftops, windows and balconies. As the player’s Ranger team reaches the front of the convoy, he must clear a building which has been taken over by enemy militia and is using it to snipe the convoy. Once the building and nearby windows have been cleared, the player must kill a machine gunner at an intersection. At the other side of the intersection is a roadblock which the player demolished with satchel charges. As the mission ends, the remnants of the convoy proceed through the roadblock.

[edit] Radio Aidid

Date: September 3, 1993 – 02:00 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: MP5, Colt M1911, Satchel charges

This mission is the only stealth mission and the player assumes the position of a Delta Force operator for the first time in this game. The Delta team is sent in to infiltrate a radio station set up by the militia which is broadcasting anti-UN propaganda throughout the region. The player quietly makes his way to a radio station in Mogadishu and performs a takedown. Once the power generator in the first floor is destroyed, all power in the building goes out. Delta Forces makes their way to the top floor and destroys all radio equipment. The radio tower atop the building is also destroyed. As the team leaves the target building, a Black Hawk provides fire support for Delta as they proceed back to their insertion point for extraction. The mission ends with the arrival of a small humvee convoy.

[edit] Russian Underground

Date: September 10, 1993 – 07:00 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15, Colt M1911, Satchel charges

Reports indicate that a large Habr Gedir meeting is to take place in a compound built by the Soviets. Two Delta teams are inserted at the complex via Black Hawks, one on the ground in front of the building and one on top of the roof. The player assumes position of the team leader raiding the building from the top-down. The player secures the top floor while the other Delta team secures the first floor. Once both floors are secure, Deltas locate a basement, eventually leading into a complex area of meeting rooms and secret passages. The player spots the main Tier One hostages but get away behind a sheet of bullet-proof glass. The player continues through the basement, eventually chasing the Tier One personalities through a series of tunnels. The tunnels end at the bottom of the hill the compound is built on the Delta continues their pursuit of their targets. A Black Hawk provides assistance as Delta eventually reaches the Tier One officials. The mission ends with the capture of the Tier One officials as the Black Hawk lands to facilitate extraction.

[edit] Shattered Palace

Date: September 17, 1993 – 10:45 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15/M203, Remington 870, Claymores

Two Delta teams are sent in to capture Tier One officials meeting in a hotel complex in Mogadishu. A Delta team ropes in from a Black Hawk onto the main target building’s rooftop while another Delta team provides cover from above from a Little Bird. Once the Delta team is on the roof, the player’s Delta team lands on the rooftop of a second, smaller building across a courtyard from the main target building. The player takes down the building and eventually securing the courtyard. The player takes down the first floor of the main target building and locates the second Delta team which has already secured the Tier One officials. The player’s Delta team heads to the roof to provide fire support while the second Delta team dashes across the courtyard and to the street to meet up with a convoy so they can exfil. The player’s Delta team, once he has eliminated all the enemies from the surrounding buildings, exfils via Little Bird. The mission ends with the arrival of the Little Bird.

[edit] Diplomatic Immunity

Time: September 24, 1993 – 14:30 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15, Colt M1911, Claymores

A number of captured Habr Gedir were being transferred to UNOSOM II custody when there was an attack by a large number of militia gunmen. A small riot has ensued and a number of UN personnel are being held hostage. The player’s team is sent in via Little Bird and upon locating the compound orbits the site to eliminate all RPGs. Once all outer resistance has been eliminated, the Little Birds land and Delta Force takes down the target building and secures the hostages. Delta Force clears the rest of the building and eventually makes his way to the rooftop where he must defend an enemy counterattack. Once the enemy counterattack has been destroyed, the player must rendezvous with the other Delta team to secure the rear alleys so they can rendezvous with a convoy. The player must defend the hostages as they run through the alleys. The mission ends when the player reaches the convoy.

[edit] Shore Patrol

Time: October 1, 1993 – 19:30 hours

Location: Port Area – Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15, Colt M1911, Claymores

Delta Force lands on the beaches of Mogadishu via a small fishing boat and immediately comes under heavy mortar fire from the beachhead. Delta Force must navigate through their way on the mined beach while taking heavy mortar fire. Once Delta has cleared the beaches, they must fight their way to a radio station where Aidid is using it to coordinate attacks on the UN. On the way, a secondary objective is assigned to Delta to take down a cargo ship at the tip of the docks. Delta Force eventually reaches the radio station and takes down the whole building, destroying the radio equipment in the process. Delta Force then must fight their way back down to the beach through tight alleys. Upon reaching the docks, Delta must cover a group of Ranger roping in via Black Hawks on the docks. Little Birds batter the cargo ship with strafing runs. Eventually, the docks are secured and Delta plants charges on the cargo ship, but because of the huge amount of explosives on the ship, Delta must board a Little Bird first before detonating the charges. The mission ends with the destruction of the cargo ship as Delta flies overhead in a Little Bird.

[edit] Irene

Time: October 3, 1993 – 15:35 hours

Location: TFR base outside Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15, Remington 870, AT4

Two of Aidid's top ranking officers, Omar Salad, and Mohammed Hassan Awale, were spotted entering a residence near the Olympic Hotel, in central Mogadishu, a few blocks east of the Bakaara Market. Delta Force and Rangers leave Mogadishu Airport and flies over the beach and into Mogadishu. Delta Force begin their assault from the rooftop while Rangers rope in on all four corners of the target building to secure the perimeter while Delta captures the targets. Once the targets are secure, Delta waits for the convoy to arrive. Upon arrival, Delta must secure the northwest corner of the target block because Ranger Chalk 4 missed their drop by one block. Once the northwestern corner of the target building is secure, Delta arrives at Ranger Chalk 4’s location and they come under heavy fire. Delta secures Chalk 4’s location and moves on to secure the rear of the target building. As Delta lays down cover fire, a Black Hawk Super 6-1 is hit and the mission ends with the Black Hawk crashing.

[edit] Lost Convoy

Date: October 3, 1993 – 17:45 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: M21, Colt M1911, Claymores

This mission continues from the previous one, with the player sitting in the .50 cal turret of a humvee in front of the target building. The player leaves the target building in the front of the convoy and immediately takes fire leaving the first corner. The player must fight his way to the crash site. Along the way, the player will encounter enemy technicals, RPGs and snipers from windows, streets, alleys, and rooftops. The convoy will make detours because of roadblocks and other obstructions. Once the player nears the crash site, he is ordered to make his way on foot to the site. The player reaches the crash site and takes up a position on top of a building to provide sniper cover for the downed chopper. There is a C-SAR ready to deploy but the player must kill off all RPGs on the rooftops. Once all RPGs are killed, the C-SAR comes in to deliver reinforcements. The mission ends with medics securing the crash site.

[edit] Valiant Soldiers

Date: October 3, 1993 – 18:00 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15/M203, Colt M1911, AT4

A second Black Hawk, Super 6-4 has been shot down and has crashed south of the target building. The player begins outside the building from the end of the previous mission and he must locate soldiers scattered all over the city. The player wanders through alleys, courtyards and streets in the process. The player eventually reaches a house where everybody takes cover and rests while Command decides on what to do next. The mission ends with the player taking refuge in a building.

[edit] Last Stand

Date: October 4, 1993 – 06:00 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15/M203, Colt M1911, Satchel charges

The player begins in the building where he took refuge with his team and has come under enemy mortar fire. The player must leave the building from the back and make their way around the city to flank the enemy mortar position. Along the way, the player will encounter machine gun nests and will receive support from Little Birds. Once the player has managed to circle around and flank the enemy position, he must eliminate all hostiles and destroy the mortars using satchel charges. The mission ends with the convoy arrives to pick everyone up.

[edit] Mogadishu Mile

Date: October 4, 1993 – 07:15 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: CAR-15/M203, Remington 870, AT4

The player starts behind the convoy and he is told he must defend the convoy while running on foot alongside of it. The player defends the convoy as it heads towards the city’s stadium where Task Force Ranger has set up a safe zone. At one point, because of the heavy crossfire the convoy was taking, it must abandon the player’s team. The player must fight his way down a series of long roads while Little Birds supports him from the air. The player eventually reaches the convoy which has been waiting for him and continues towards the stadium. The player takes heavy machine gun fire and RPG fire but eventually makes it safely to the stadium. The mission ends with the arrival of the player’s team and the convoy at the stadium.

[edit] Aidid Takedown

Date: July 24, 1996 – 15:45 hours

Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

Default weapons: MP5, Remington 870, Claymores

Three years have passed since Task Force Ranger pulled out of Somalia. The country is still wrecked with clan in-fighting. The Americans have allied with a clan that opposes Aidid and agrees to attack Aidid’s clan in an attempt to create a cover-up. The player’s objective is to eliminate the warlord while his clan is fighting to make it look like he was killed in the shoot-out. The player is dropped into Mogadishu just as Aidid’s clan is fighting against another clan. The player makes his way through alleys until he arrives at a house that has a basement that leads into an underground tunnel which is where Aidid is. The player sneaks into the tunnels and eventually finds and kills Aidid. The player leaves the tunnel system and rendezvous with a truck which takes him away. The mission ends as the player’s truck leaves the scene.

[edit] Gameplay

The game is completely based on the 1992-93 UN peace missions in war torn Somalia. The first few missions in the game are designed to make the player accustomed with the different types of weapons, their usage, enemy AI, terrain types and combat techniques. The majority of the missions involve convoy protection, providing security for food distributions, destroying weapon stockpiles, taking prisoners, etc. The game ultimately takes the player all the way through to the Battle of Mogadishu, which of course is the centerpiece of the game. A Player may use a voice enabled microphone to command your soldiers. As the player goes on completing missions they become harder and require much more skill. In the final mission, "Aidid Takedown", the player will have to play almost on his or her own, trying to hunt down Aidid in his bunker.

Humvees, MH-60 Black Hawks, and MH-6 Little Bird helicopters play very important roles in the game. There are also a few missions where locally-made motorboats and trucks are used. Several times the player is dropped in the field by helicopters in a nice cinematic environment and similar sound effects to create a nice action situation. The mission design aims at realism and the game is to be played along with three fellow soldiers who are steered by AI.

One characteristic of the game is that while on a humvee or helicopter the player will have to think, aim and shoot extremely fast to protect himself and the convoy. However, on foot the player must approach extremely slowly, with patience and taking cover when necessary. The player will have to act according to the command of the operative. The AI of the accompanying soldiers react well when fighting attacks from the enemies but they can't follow the player's instructions and the player will always have to take the lead and show them the way in the missions. As the game proceeds the fellow soldiers becomes more dependent on the player and in several times the player will have to protect them from opponent assaults. There is no way to command them directly, which is problematic. However, throughout the game the accompanying soldiers provide assistance or take the lead in certain critical situations to aid the player.

The most dangerous in-game enemy assault comes with the rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) which the enemy patrols may fire on helicopters, Humvees, and soldiers. In several missions, the most important duty of the player is to protect his convoy and team from oncoming assaults from the enemies armed with RPGs.

The PC and PS2 versions of the game have an expansion set called "Team Sabre", which features two additional campaigns. One involves missions to shut down a drug cartel in Colombia, and the other involves missions against a paramilitary rebel group in Iran.

[edit] Technical

Unusually for a first-person shooter, the game is built on a modified version of the engine used in the flight simulator Comanche 4 and not a dedicated fps engine. This enables the game to make use of large levels that the player must traverse via helicopter rides that can last several minutes.

[edit] Weapons

[edit] Primary Weapons

Assault rifles

Sniper rifles

Machine guns

Submachine guns

[edit] Side Arms



[edit] Explosives

[edit] Mounted weapons

[edit] Grenades

[edit] Other

[edit] Multiplayer

Servers are hosted either on NovaWorld or through LAN connections. To play on NovaWorld servers, you must have a NovaWorld account first. Statistics can only be recorded by playing in NovaWorld-hosted servers with enough people in the server. In multiplayer mode.

These game types fall into five individual categories. They include Base War Games (AD and SD), King of the Hill Games (TKOTH), Deathmatch Games (DM, TDM), Flag Games (FB, CTF), and Cooperative. Players can visit game servers that have game modes:

[edit] Deathmatch (DM)

  • Players begin by spawning in random areas around a map. There are no teams. Players must find each other in the map and must obtain score by eliminating each other, where they will respawn again. This cycle continues until the time limit expires, or, if the server has set a maximum kill number, the player to first reach that limit wins. Points are awarded for kills (headshots, double kills, knife kills, sniper kills, etc.) and are deducted if you are killed (suicide or killed by another player).

[edit] Team Deathmatch (TDM)

  • Similar to Deathmatch, except there are now two teams fighting to gain the most kills. The two team's main spawn point are usually on the opposite sides of the map. The team that ends up with the most kills when the time limit ends wins, or if the team reaches the maximum kill limit first wins. Points are awarded for kills (headshots, double kills, knife kills, sniper kills, etc.) and are deducted if you are killed (suicide, fratricide if permitted by the server, or killed by another player).

[edit] Team King of the Hill (TKOTH)

  • The layout is similar to that of TDM, but a yellow circle is centered in the map. The circle is usually the position of a building, or some kind of strategic location. Players on both teams must fight to gain territory of that circle. A player gains points by staying in the Zone, and a longer duration in the Zone results in more points being awarded to that player. Players on both teams can be inside the Zone simultaneously. A timer for the team begins if there is just one person inside the Zone, and if that timer reaches a certain limit first than the other team, that team wins. Another win condition is if the game's time expires and one team has a leading timer than the other. Players can gain points by killing someone in the Zone, killing someone from the Zone, or if both of them are in the Zone and one manages to kill another. More points are awarded if headshots, double kills, knife kills, and sniper kills occur inside or from the outside of the Zone (if a sniper shoots from the Zone, or if the sniper kills someone inside the Zone, for example). A tie game occurs if the game's timer expires with neither team having a player in the Zone, or if a player from both team enters the Zone simultaneously (this condition is quite rare) and ends the game by reaching the target time or wait until the game's time expires while still in the zone.

[edit] Capture the Flag (CTF)

  • CTF is similar to FB, but now there are more than one flag on the map. Both teams will 'own' a certain number of flags, usually closer to their main spawn point, and the other team must cross over into that team's territory, grab one of their flags, and run back to score on their flag bay with the flag in hand. Both teams will have the same number of flags. Points are awarded for kills (headshots, double kills, knife kills, sniper kills, etc.) and deducted for deaths (killed by another player, suicide, or fratricide). Extra points are awarded for defending the flag (either killing someone while you have the flag, or if you cover a nearby flag carrier), killing the flag carrier, or saving a flag (recovering a flag of your team that has been moved by the opponent; this can only happen if the enemy flag carrier was killed). Points are also awarded for scoring flags. A team must take a flag that has the opposite color (players on Blue Team must take a red flag).

[edit] Flagball (FB)

  • Two teams fight to take one flag, usually in the center of the map. A player from one team must take that flag (green color) to score into their team's flag bay. Points are awarded for killing a flag carrier, defending the flag while the player has it, or if a player helps to cover the flag carrier, and for scoring the flag. Normal kill points are also awarded and points are deducted for being killed by another player, suicide or fratricide. Each flag score counts one point for the team, and if one team reaches a target score first, then the game will end, or if the game's timer expires when one team has the majority of points. Ties can only occur if both teams have the same number of scored flags. Teams can have more than one flag bay.
  • A variant of flagball is known as razorball, in which each team is only equipped with knives. The rules are generally the same.
  • Another variant is called paintball. Both teams rely on an mp5 and a knife for fighting. The rules are also the same.

[edit] Attack and Defend (AD)

  • Two teams start on opposite sides of the map. One team has to defend a number of objects (usually colored boxes or other items). The other team must sneak into their base and destroy these marked targets using satchel charges. The Defenders win if the game's timer expires and they still have one target undestroyed. The Attackers will win if all of the Defenders' targets have been destroyed. Points are awarded for kills (headshots, double kills, knife kills, sniper kills, etc.) and deducted for deaths (killed by another player, suicide, or fratricide). Extra points are awarded for defending a target or destroying one.

[edit] Search and Destroy (SD)

  • SD is similar to AD, but now both teams have targets and both teams must race to destroy each other's targets before their own are destroyed. Both teams are playing the role of Defenders and Attackers. Points are awarded for kills (headshots, double kills, knife kills, sniper kills, etc.) and deducted for deaths (killed by another player, suicide, or fratricide). Extra points are awarded for defending a target or destroying one.Kill each other before time runs out.

[edit] Cooperative (COOP)

  • This is a special game type, as NovaWorld does not officially host these maps, but can be hosted by servers of fans. The gameplay follows that of single player, where online players must kill opposing AI's. Objectives are often to kill all enemies, destroy certain items, or reach a certain spot. The objectives are usually not obvious.

An example is one server where players play through a level, and are required to complete it the fastest, kill the most enemies, be the most accurate shooter, etc. If you die, you are out of play for that round.

Another server experiments with having a player play the entire game in the fastest amount of time, sot kills etc. But this took too long and put lag on the server, it only lasted 1 day.

[edit] Game Elements

  • PSPs

Progressive Spawn Points. These structures are shaped with a pyramid in the bottom with two triangles above, all held together by one single post. These items allow players to respawn at them if they are killed in a multiplayer game. To capture a PSP, a player must run up and touch it. After a period of time (set by the host of the server) the PSP will turn to the color of the player's team (Blue or Red). After the player touches the PSP, it will flash green and then turn to their team's color. A player from the opposing team can run up and touch the PSP any time, including during the period where the PSP is turning colors. After a team captures a PSP, they are allowed to use it. To use it, a player must be killed first (suicide, fratricide, or killed by an opposing player). A screen will pop up after being killed and it will show the player all the PSPs in the map. The player can then choose, by pressing a letter on the keyboard which corresponds to the PSP they want to spawn at, any PSP as long as it's their team's color. To do this, however, the player must wait a certain time before they can respawn at the PSP. Usually, they have to wait for about 8 seconds, but sometimes, especially if you've been killed multiple times, the time to be able to spawn at a PSP can be as long as 18 seconds. PSPs allow players to gain territory quicker and by capturing certain PSPs, one team may be able to gain strategic advantage over the other team. Not all maps have PSPs.

  • Vehicles

During multiplayer, there may be multiple vehicles, or none at all. The most common vehicles are Hummers and Black Hawk helicopters. Players are able to hop on to these vehicles and use their weapons to kill opposing players. They cannot, however, drive the vehicles like you can in later Novalogic games.

  • Flags

Flags come in three colors - Blue, Red, or Green. Blue and Red flags are used during CTF games, while Green flags are used in FB games. During CTF games, A player from Blue Team must grab a red flag and return it to the blue flagbay. A player from Red Team must grab a blue flag and run it back to the red flagbay. Flags can be 'saved' if someoneo on Blue kills a Red flag carrier, and the Blue player runs over to 'save' the dropped flag. By saving flags, the player returns the touched flag to its original position. Green flags are used during FB games and there is only one per map.

  • Flagbay

A large colored flag post supported by sandbags. These bays are placed in FB and CTF maps to allow players to score points by scoring flags. Flags scored at the team's flagbay cannot be recovered.

  • Hot Zone

Used in TKOTH games. Players must fight to occupy this Hot Zone to gain points and possibly victory. Read the TKOTH game type above for more details.

  • Targets

These targets are glowing items, and can represent boxes or emplaced weapons. They are used in AD and SD games for players to gain points and possibly victory for their team. Read AD and SD game type headings above.

  • Armory

Available for players to change weapons or to replenish their ammunition. Any player in a map can use the armory. Armories are usually placed near a team's main spawn point for easy access (even though a player from the opposing side and sneak in to use it).

  • Emplaced Weapons

These weapons include emplaced cannons, .50 cal machine guns, MK19 Grenade Launchers, or miniguns. These weapons cannot be removed (running around with a .50 cal in a map is impossible unless using a cheat). They can move only if they're mounted on vehicles. These weapons have unlimited ammo and do not require reloads. Players can be killed easily if they are spotted, as the noise can attract much attention. Firepower of these weapons usually exceed the usual weapons a player carries.

  • Waypoints

They are used extensively in single player, but can also appear in multiplayer maps. These waypoints, in multiplayer, usually identify the center of the map. Sometimes, they can target flags or targets on a map depending on the game type. Players can ignore these waypoints in multiplayer, but can be of great help in single player. They simply help guide the players. During COOP maps, however, they can help guide players through the proper path of the map. Players must press F7 (cycle waypoints) to use this in multiplayer.

[edit] Trivia

  • During game development, the Novalogic developers asked Mark Bowden if they could use his description of the Battle of Mogadishu from his book, Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, for the game. Bowden however declined the offer, wanting to honor the people that fought during that particular battle. Instead, the developers worked closely with both Rangers and former Delta members who had actually been involved in that particular battle to recreate missions more authentically than the book or movie portrayed.
  • Although it is true that the 10th Mountain Division was stationed in Mogadishu prior to the arrival of Task Force Ranger, it is unknown if the missions detailed in Delta Force: Black Hawk Down were Force operatives and Rangers. No soldiers were lost or unaccounted for except for Chalk 4 which had returned to base. It is also true that these same APCs could not hold all the Task Force Ranger troops and they were forced to follow the convoy on foot. Reluctant to expose themselves to enemy fire, they went to the stadium.
  • The last mission "Aidid Takedown", is questionable. Mohammed Farah Aidid did die in 1996. The media reported that he had died during inter-clan fighting, so the truth in this mission detailing a single Delta Force operative sent to assassinate Aidid is doubtful, especially when Aidid has a Heart Attack before the player reaches him. The conspiracy theory surrounding his death is largely due to Major General William F Garrison, the commanding officer in Mogadishu at the time, resigning from the United States Army the day after Aidid's death.

[edit] Character Types

Below are a list of character types. Every character is unique and has different abilities. A player in multiplayer must choose between the four player types, with weapons restrictions for each character. Someone playing in single player, however, can have any combination of weapons, does not have to select a class, and can have the maximum number of grenades.

[edit] Close Quarter Combat (CQB)

These players can only choose assault rifles and submachine guns for a primary weapon, with all three side arms available. These players carry the maximum amount of grenades, as well. CQB's can carry claymores or satchel charges as explosives. CQB's often engage in areas of battle where there is very little space (in buildings, for example). They are trained to use the knives from a long distance. In the game, CQB's can knife longer distances than other player types. As a bonus, CQB's can run faster with flags (same speed as snipers with flags). CQB's are important in Base War games (AD and SD) because they are the only ones capable of carrying satchel charges, the only weapon able to destroy AD and SD targets.

[edit] Gunners

Gunners can choose assault rifles or machine guns as a primary, with all side arms available. Grenades include three fragmentation grenades, two flashbangs and no smoke grenades as a maximum. Gunners are the only player types to be able to carry an Anti-Tank Rocket as an explosive. Gunners can carry machine guns which fire heavier rounds than assault rifles, lay down good cover for teammates, and they don't have to reload as often. When they do have to reload, reloads are longer. Gunners are the slowest runners as they carry the heaviest weapons. Therefore, they run slowest with flags.

[edit] Snipers

Snipers can only carry rifles and pistols as sidearms, and only claymores. They carry the fewest grenades (two fragmentation grenades, one flashbang, and no smoke). They can run as fast as CQBs with flags. Snipers' advantages are accuracy and long-range, and concealment. These elements make them difficult to spot. Players who pay close attention to a sniper's fire can learn their positions quickly and eliminate them. Players who have a sense of humor often kill them with claymores, satchel charges, or with the knife. A team can be weak or strong, depending on the snipers' skills. There are many tricks to learn to play well as a sniper that are not essential to other player types.

[edit] Medics

Medics can only carry an assault rifle (no grenade launcher permitted), a pistol, no explosives, and two fragmentation grenades, two flashbangs, and three smoke grenades. These players are essential to winning, in that they are able to revive players who have been shot. A player can only be revived by a medic within two minutes of being subdued. A player shot in the head, knifed, killed by friendly fire, or suicide cannot be revived. As a medic, the player must press the '9' key, which selects the medic pack in order to revive a fallen teammate. With the medic pack, the player must run to the fallen player and press their 'fire' button. This revives the fallen player. The fallen player, once has been revived, can resume playing from where he fell. Players can wait for several minutes before standing back up again, fooling enemy players into thinking they are dead, and standing back up and shooting an enemy in the back once they run past. Medics run the fastest with the knife or medic pack in hand, but cannot run any faster than a gunner if they carry a flag.

Players can make maps in DFBHDMED to play in mutiplayer.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links