Blaschke product

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In mathematics, the Blaschke product in complex analysis is an analytic function designed to have zeros at a (finite or infinite) sequence of prescribed complex numbers

a0, a1, ...

inside the unit disc. If the sequence is finite then the Blaschke product is also called a finite Blaschke product. Given such a sequence, subject to the condition that

Σ (1 − |an|)

is convergent, define

B(z) = Π B(an, z)

where the factor


provided a ≠ 0. Here a* is the complex conjugate of a. When a = 0 take B(0,z) = z.

Then the Blaschke product B(z) is analytic in the open unit disc, and is zero at the an only (with multiplicity counted). It is named for Wilhelm Blaschke, who described it in a paper in 1915. This seemingly peculiar function takes on importance because of its relationship to the study of Hardy spaces.

The sequence of an satisfying the convergence criterion above is sometimes called a Blaschke sequence.

[edit] Finite Blaschke products

Finite Blaschke products can be characterized (as analytic functions on the unit disc) in the following way: Assume that f is an analytic function on the open unit disc with the following three properties:

  • f maps the open unit disc to itself, i.e.  |f(z)|<1 \,\, \mbox{if}\,\, |z|<1 .
  • f has only finitely many zeros  a_1, \ldots, a_n inside the unit disc.
  • f can be extended to a continuous function on the closed unit disc \overline{\Delta}= \{z \in \mathbb{C}\,|\, |z|\le 1\} which maps the unit circle to itself.

Then f is equal to a finite Blaschke product

 B(z)=\zeta\prod_{i=1}^n\left({{z-a_i}\over {1-\overline{a_i}z}}\right)^{m_i}

where ζ lies on the unit circle and mi is the multiplicity of the zero ai, | ai | < 1. In particular, if f satisfies the three conditions above and has no zeros inside the unit circle then f is constant (this fact is a consequence of the maximum principle for harmonic functions, applied to the harmonic function log(|f(z)|)).

Remark: It can be shown that the last of the three properties listed above entails the other two. The first is a consequence of the Maximum modulus principle for analytic functions, the second property can be deduced from the so-called identity principle which states that the set of zeros of a function holomorphic in a domain D in  \mathbb{C} is a discrete subset of D. If there were infinitely many zeros they would have an accumulation point (necessarily) on the boundary unit circle which contradicts the assumption that f is continuous on the closed unit disc.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Peter Colwell, Blaschke Products - Bounded Analytic Functions (1985), University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. ISBN 0-472-10065-3