Blas Infante

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Blas Infante
Blas Infante
Monument to Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia, erected in the same place where he was executed without trial by Fascist rebels in 1936
Monument to Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia,[1] erected in the same place where he was executed without trial by Fascist rebels in 1936

Blas Infante Pérez de Vargas (Casares, Spain; 5 July, 1885 - Seville, Spain; 11 August, 1936). Blas Infante was a politician, writer, historian and musicologist, known as the "Father" of Andalusian patrimony (Padre de la Patria Andaluza).

Infante was a Georgist idealist who initiated an assembly at Ronda in 1918. This assembly adopted a charter based on the autonomist Constitución Federal de Antequera written in 1883 during the First Spanish Republic[2]. It also embraced the current flag and coat of arms as "national symbols", designed by Infante itself based on various historic Andalusian standards.[3] During the Second Spanish Republic, the Andalucismo was represented by the Junta Liberalista, a federalist political party led by Infante.

Infante was among numerous political figures who were summarily executed by Franco's forces when they took over Seville at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. As both a regional autonomist and a kind of libertarian socialist, he twice "merited" inclusion on their liquidation list.

His last residence in Coria del Río now hosts the Museum of Andalusian Autonomy.

[edit] Published works

  • Ideal Andaluz on Wikisource (1915)
  • La Obra de Costa (1916)
  • La Sociedad de Naciones (with J. Andrés Váz­quez, 1917)
  • Manifiesto Andalucista de Córdoba de 1919 on Wikisource (1919)
  • Motamid, último rey de Sevilla (1920)
  • Cuentos de Animales (1921)
  • Los Mandamientos de Dios a favor de los animales (1921)
  • La Dictadura pedagógica (1921)
  • Reelección Fundamental - Primer Volumen - La Religión y la Moral (1921)
  • Orígenes de lo flamenco y secreto del cante jondo (1929-31)
  • La verdad sobre el complot de Tablada y el Estado libre de Andalucía (1931)
  • Cartas Andalucistas de Septiembre de 1935 (1935)
  • Manifiesto a todos los andaluces (1936)

[edit] Unpublished works

  • Fundamentos de Andalucía - 1ª serie de Cartas Andalucistas (unpublished, 1929)
  • El Libro Nuevo (unpublished)
  • Almanzor (unpublished)

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ (Spanish) Parliament of Andalusia: Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia [1]
  2. ^
  3. ^ (Spanish) Junta de Andalucía: Symbols of Andalusia [2]