Blagovest Sendov

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Blagovest Sendov (Bulgarian: Благовест Сендов) (born February 8, 1932) is a Bulgarian mathematician and politician. He was born in the town of Asenovgrad. Sendov was rector of Sofia University, Deputy Chairman of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Chairman (1995-1997) and Deputy Chairman (1997-2002) of the Bulgarian National Assembly. His candidacy for that position was supported by the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP, former Bulgarian Communist Party; although never member of that party, Sendov had close ties to former Bulgarian communist dictator Todor Zhivkov). The rightist Union of the Democratic Forces removed him temporarily from that duty in 2000 when Sendov cosigned together with four members of BSP a letter to the Israeli president asking the portraits of the Bulgarian royal family (from the 1940s) to be removed from a memorial in Israel. This memorial reminds the fact that all Bulgarian Jews have been saved from deportation to concentration camps during WWII. Sendov is currently Bulgarian ambassador in Japan. In 2000 he was elected as a member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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