Bladet Tromsø

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Bladet Tromsø
Type Daily newspaper
Format Tabloid (Compact)

Owner Harstad Tidende
Editor Jonny Hansen
Founded 1898
Political allegiance None
Language Norwegian
Headquarters Tromsø, Norway


Bladet Tromsø is a daily newspaper published in Tromsø, Norway by Bladet Tromsø A/S, a subsidiary of Harstad Tidende, and through this part of the Schibsted Group. In 2006 the paper had an average circulation of about 110.000. It distributes daily, except Sundays. Editor-in-Chief is Jonny Hansen.

Bladet Tromso was founded 24. January 1898, with Erling Gjemsø as the first editor in chief, followed by his namesake Erling Steinbø.

[edit] The Lindberg case

The newspaper became internationally known when they in 1988 had published an official report on seal hunt, written by Odd F. Lindberg, about Norwegian methods on hunting seal. The report received international attention and lead to a discussion about Norwegian seal hunt and about the freedom of speech.

The newspaper was sued by the seal hunters, and sentenced in two court rounds to pay compensation.

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, in May 1999, reversed the ruling of the Norwegian court, and marked a change of time in what may be published.[1]

[edit] References

[edit] External links