Blacklisted (medicine)
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In the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, the Blacklist (officially Schedule 1 to the National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Prescription of Drugs etc) Regulations 2004) is a list published in Part XVIIIA of the NHS Drug Tariff denoting medicines and/or specific brands of medicines that cannot be prescribed on NHS prescriptions. If such a prescription is dispensed then the Prescription Pricing Division of the NHS Business Service Authority (NHS BSA PPD) will refuse to refund the cost to the dispensing pharmacy.
Some brand name medicines on the blacklist can be dispensed against prescriptions for generic drugs (if the approved generic name is not itself included in the blacklist). For example Calpol can be dispensed for a prescription for paracetamol suspension, but it is generally cheaper to dispense the generic form, and it is at the pharmacy's discretion to do otherwise.