Black Moon Clan

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Sailor Moon villain group

Black Moon symbol
Black Moon Clan
Story arc: Sailor Moon R (anime)
Black Moon (manga)
Dub name: Negamoon Family
Leader: Prince Demand
Chaos form: Death Phantom (Wiseman)
Key figures: Crimson Rubeus, Green Esmeraude, Blue Saphir, Ayakashi Sisters, Black Lady
MOTD: Droids
Tools: Black Crystal

The Black Moon Clan (ブラックムーン一族 Burakku Mūn Ichizoku?, lit. "Black Moon Family") is a fictional clan existing in the 30th century in the Sailor Moon metaseries. It comprises the antagonists of the second major story arc, which is called Black Moon in the manga and which fills the majority of the Sailor Moon R anime. In the dubbed anime they are called the Negamoon Family.

Members of the Black Moon Clan come from Planet Nemesis, a fictional tenth planet of the Solar System. It is described as a planet of "negative energy," having the ability to vanish from visual sight. Due to its negativity, it was claimed to be traceable by X-Rays. All members of the Black Moon Clan have an inverted black marking of the Silver Millennium on their foreheads. They also wear earrings which, according to the Materials Collection, are made of Black Crystal and allow them to warp.


[edit] Key figures

[edit] Death Phantom (Wiseman)

Death Phantom as "Wiseman"
Death Phantom as "Wiseman"

Death Phantom (デス・ファントム Desu Fantomu?), who calls himself Wiseman (ワイズマン Waizuman?), is an immortal form of Chaos from the future. In the English version of the anime, he is called Doom Phantom. In the manga, Death Phantom was originally a human who lived in the time of the future kingdom of Crystal Tokyo, and possessed dark powers which he used to wreak havoc upon the citizens of Crystal Tokyo. These powers were: his death hands; able to reach insurmountable distances to attack people, and his evil vision, capable of controlling the minds of others by simply looking at them. He was banished to the barren tenth planet, Nemesis, by Neo-Queen Serenity. Over an unspecified period of time, Death Phantom managed to merge his spirit with the planet and became one with Nemesis. He cloaked his decayed and crumbling human body, and reached out psychically to Earth in order to look for discontent. He convinced certain denizens of earth that the 30th century utopia of Crystal Tokyo was an abomination against nature, as all of its citizens were given immortality through the power of the Silver Crystal. Thus the Black Moon Clan was born. Calling himself the Wiseman, Death Phantom lead their way into a near fatal attack on Crystal Tokyo, and then into the past of Sailor Moon's time in order to obtain the Silver Crystal and have his revenge.

Death Phantom cares little for his pawns; he manipulates them and sends the young traitors to their deaths, and even kills Rubeus himself. When faced with a new conduit for power, in the form of Chibiusa, he fills her with dark energy and she becomes his Black Lady. When Demand finally comes to his senses and blasts the Wiseman with all of his strength, the decayed body shatters; but Black Lady only laughs, before revealing that Wiseman is Nemesis. When all of his followers are gone, and Black Lady reverts to Sailor Chibi Moon, he creates a dark energy swirl to kill the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon attack the planet with a Double Moon Princess Halation and he is destroyed.

In manga only he appears in flashback in the final story arc (Stars), telling Sailor Galaxia about the Galaxy Cauldron.

In the anime, Death Phantom first approached Prince Demand when he was significantly younger. The Black Moon Clan were the descendants of traitors who had been exiled to Nemesis centuries before by Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion of Crystal Tokyo; and, posing as Wiseman, the Death Phantom manipulated them into gathering power for himself. He promised them that he could give them the power and ability to go to Earth and appeal directly to Neo-Queen Serenity to gain amnesty for the citizens of Nemesis, who had committed no crimes themselves. However, Wiseman's influence slowly warped the minds of his pawns until they carried out his plan for revenge and the ultimate destruction of the planet Earth.

The Wiseman personally counsels Rubeus during his mission for a long time, but is all the same unconcerned about his death. He condescendingly humiliates Esmeraude when she comes to him asking to be the queen of Nemesis, and thus brings about her transformation into a hideous dragon and, ultimately, her death. He manipulates Chibiusa's childhood memories in order to make her into Black Lady. Wiseman then kills Saphir when Saphir realizes that he and his brother have been lied to. In the end, Death Phantom is destroyed, but Nemesis and its inhabitants aren't.

Death Phantom was voiced in the anime by Eiji Maruyama. In the English version, the Doom Phantom was voiced by Tony Daniels, who also voiced Jedite of the Dark Kingdom.

[edit] Crimson Rubeus


Crimson Rubeus (紅のルベウス Kurenai no Rubeusu?, known simply as Rubeus in the English dub) is the first member of the Black Moon Clan to appear in the 20th century. He is charged with finding a person codenamed "Rabbit", who had fled into the Tokyo of the past. Besides following the orders of Prince Demand and Wiseman, he leads his own set of minions (the Ayakashi Sisters). In the anime, he is the love interest mainly to Kōan, the youngest of them, though the majority of the sisters are in love with him; only the eldest, Petz, doesn't have feelings for him.

In the anime, after the Sisters have been healed, while trying to take Chibiusa, Rubeus kidnaps the Sailor Senshi and blackmails Sailor Moon into bringing the Silver Crystal in exchange for her friends. Sailor Moon comes to rescue them, and Rubeus takes her and Chibiusa (who had followed Sailor Moon in secret) aboard his spaceship. Onboard, a battle ensues for the custody of the Sailor Senshi. Chibiusa eventually finds and destroys the crystal that controls his spaceship, causing it to go haywire and catch fire. After Sailor Moon attacks Rubeus, the Sailor Senshi are freed, and they, Chibiusa, and Sailor Moon teleport away, leaving Rubeus onboard his burning ship. Rubeus is then confronted by Esmeraude, and begs her to take him back to the future. Esmeraude refuses, and leaves Rubeus in the unstable spaceship, saying he's failed too many times to be of any more use; in the end, his obsession with killing Chibiusa is his downfall. The spaceship finally explodes, and Rubeus dies.

In the manga, he kidnaps Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter but fails to capture Sailor Venus. He is extremely loyal to Prince Demand, appearing with him to taunt the captured Sailor Moon. He realizes that there is more to Wiseman than what appears and he is killed by Wiseman when he confronts him.

In the anime, Crimson Rubeus was voiced by Wataru Takagi. In the dub, he was voiced by Robert Tinkler.

[edit] Green Esmeraude


Green Esmeraude (翠のエスメロード Midori no Esumerōdo?, known as Emerald in the English dub) is the second of the Black Moon Clan to appear. She is a selfish and vain woman who tries to emanate a goddess-like appearance by wearing an elegant, tight-fitting dress along with opera-length gloves and knee-high stiletto boots. She has a very distinctive laugh that is extremely loud and piercing, and is generally the most comedic member of the Black Moon.

In the anime, Esmeraude is the successor to Rubeus, deliberately passing up the chance to save his life from an exploding spaceship. She is completely infatuated with Prince Demand, who is obsessed with Sailor Moon. Consumed by her jealousy and greed, Esmeraude goes to Wiseman with the desire to have Demand and ruin Sailor Moon. He presents her with a magical tiara which, he claims, will make her the queen of Neo-Tokyo.

Suspecting a catch, she accepts the gift and is instantly transformed into a 'queen'. Her power increases and she believes Demand will be all hers. She then becomes overwhelmed by the dark powers and changes into an evil dragon. She immediately proceeds to attack the Crystal Palace while the Sailor Senshi face her, unaware that the monster is Esmeraude. She attacks, but at the last moment, Sailor Moon fires an attack at the dragon, defeating it. Esmeraude briefly reappears as the queen she wanted to be, surrounded by a heavenly glow, but a dark void opens up underneath her. Unable to save herself, Esmeraude slips into the dark vortex, and vanishes into nothingness while reaching her hand outward. She whispers Demand's name after her disappearance.

In the manga, Esmeraude's obsession with Demand still exists. After failing to kill the Sailor Senshi using her subordinates Chiral and Achiral, she attacks Chibiusa in the 30th century, after taking off her gloves to reveal her monster-like hands. After trying to strangle Chibiusa, she is briefly stopped by Sailor Venus. Sailor Moon attempts to use Moon Princess Halation on Esmeraude, but it doesn't work. Esmeraude then proceeds to use her now multiple hands to strangle Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, and Tuxedo Mask. When King Endymion's spirit appears behind Tuxedo Mask, allowing him to use Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber, Tuxedo Mask uses his new power to kill Esmeraude, freeing the other two Sailor Senshi.

In the second official Sailor Moon popularity poll, out of fifty choices, Green Esmeraude was ranked the twenty fourth most popular character in the series.[1]

Green Esmeraude was voiced by Mami Koyama in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Kirsten Bishop in the English version. In the musical, she is played by Miki Kawasaki.

[edit] Blue Saphir


Blue Saphir (蒼のサフィール Ao no Safīru?, known as Sapphire in the English dub) is the Alchemist of the Black Moon Clan, and the younger brother of Prince Demand. He is noted for being considerably more cautious and rational than his companions. He is the only member of the Clan that does not wear earrings made from Black Crystal, despite having invented them.[2][3] In the manga, Saphir prefers to work with droids (the most minor of the Clan's minions) over serving his unpredictable, easily swayed older brother. He even attempts to question the intentions of Wiseman, and the wisdom of Prince Demand in listening to everything he says. Prince Demand reacts violently to this, accusing him of wanting the power for himself. When Prince Demand kidnaps Sailor Moon and brings her to his castle on Nemesis, she stumbles into Saphir's laboratory, where he admits that their plans were insensible and that she was guiltless, but nonetheless attempts to kill her. Saphir states that he wishes to kill her because he believes all conflict comes from her and the fearsome power of the Silver Crystal. This prompts the still recovering Neo Queen Serenity to activate Sailor Moon's crystal, allowing her to transform even on Nemesis. The amount of power poured out from Sailor Moon causes Nemesis to become unstable. Saphir and Demand are rescued by Black Lady, who leads them to Wiseman's castle. Wiseman then attacks them with a mind controlling spell and loans Saphir the use of his "Demon Hands". When it is later revealed that Demand's "Evil Eye" rendered him immune to Wiseman's spell, Saphir attacks him and is killed by his brother.

Saphir was portrayed more sympathetically in the anime version of Sailor Moon, just as the rest of his clan was. A past relationship is alluded to between Saphir and the oldest Ayakashi sister, Petz, even though they are never in the same scene together in the manga. The English dub also implied that he had an unrequited love for Esmeraude. In a flashback, Saphir recalls growing up on bleak Nemesis with his brother, who promised him that one day they would go to Earth and he would show him real flowers. Saphir overhears the Wiseman talking out loud about how he is only using Prince Demand and the others for his own goals, and, barely escaping with his life, Saphir steals the power of the Black Crystal and takes it to the Earth of the past. He is briefly reunited with Petz, and aided by the Sailor Senshi, but Wiseman kills him before he can warn his brother about the coming treachery. After he dies, the bandage on his head falls off, showing that his Black Moon symbol has disappeared.

In the musicals, Saphir's role is mainly unchanged, although he is notably closer to his brother and much more rebellious. Saphir didn't like how Demand invaded earth, complaining that his methods were too forceful and how Demand priced Neo-Queen Serenity over his own family. Demand made a promise to Saphir when they were children that he will bring Saphir to Earth to see a real flower as well as live there. For Saphir, not wearing the Black Crystal earring was his sign of rebellion. He dies while protecting his brother from Wiseman.

In the second official Sailor Moon popularity poll, out of fifty choices, Blue Saphir was ranked the thirty first most popular character in the series.[1]

Blue Saphir is voiced by Tsutomu Kashiwakura and in English his voice is provided by Lyon Smith. In the musicals he is played by Yuri Kuroda.

[edit] Prince Demand


Prince Demand (プリンス・デマンド Purinsu Demando?, Prince Diamond in the English dub) is the leader of all of Planet Nemesis in the 30th century.

Born on a prisoners' planet, Demand's original intention is to reason with Neo-Queen Serenity, explaining that he and his people are descendants of criminals, and not actually criminals themselves. However, Wiseman slowly manipulates the young prince to be unforgiving to the people of Earth. One day, during an attack on Crystal Tokyo, Prince Demand manages to see Neo-Queen Serenity and falls in love with her. He seems to be fascinated with her eyes, and the anger they bore toward him during the glimpse they caught of each other.

In the anime, the people of the Black Moon Clan refused the purification offered by Neo-Queen Serenity at the formation of Crystal Tokyo, and were subsequently banished to the planet Nemesis. Prince Demand led his people as they sought revenge on the people responsible for their banishment, despite the fact that he was infatuated with the Queen.

When Demand went to the past and encountered Sailor Moon, he recognized her as the past form of the future queen and kidnapped her, but she was saved by Tuxedo Mask. When she and the other Sailor Senshi made a frontal assault on the forces of the Black Moon he found her again and tried to use his powers to force her to love him, but his efforts failed.

Between what Sailor Moon said and what he remembered Saphir trying to tell him, Demand came to realize that Wiseman was only using him. When Wiseman tried to kill Sailor Moon, Demand saved her at the cost of his own life.

In the manga, the members of the Black Moon Clan were descendants of criminals and traitors who hated Crystal Tokyo. Prince Demand hated the people of Crystal Tokyo because he felt they were corrupt and wrong and that their long lifespans were blasphemous, and Wiseman sought him out, convincing him to draw upon the power of the Evil Black Crystal of Nemesis. Demand then formed a plan to go back in time to before the influence of the Moon Kingdom began, using the power of the Black Crystal, there to create a new history.

In the Black Moon Clan's initial attack on Crystal Tokyo, the queen rushed out of the Crystal Palace in search of Small Lady, and there Demand saw her and became immediately obsessed. After comparing an angry look that Sailor Moon gave him with the one he received from Neo-Queen Serenity, Demand realized they were the same person, and kidnapped Sailor Moon, bringing her back to Nemesis. Once she awoke he kissed her, but she slapped him and attempted to transform, only to discover that the dark energy on the planet absorbed her powers and made her unable to do so. She did, however, finally escape along with her friends, which caused the palace on Nemesis to collapse.

Prince Demand eventually realized that Wiseman was only using him and turned on him. Saphir, however, attacked him at that point, and Demand was forced to kill his brother. He later stole the Silver Crystal of the present from Sailor Moon and the one of the future from Black Lady, and attempted to bring them together in order to destroy the time-space continuum, but Sailor Pluto used her forbidden Time Stop attack and prevented it.

After his plans all failed, he attempted to kill Sailor Moon, but was killed when she and Tuxedo Mask both combined their powers against him.

In the second official Sailor Moon popularity poll, out of fifty choices, Prince Demand was ranked the twenty eighth most popular character in the series.[1]

In the original anime, Prince Demand was voiced by seiyuu Kaneto Shiozawa, who died in 2000[4]. In the English dub, he was voiced by Robert Bockstael, who later voiced Helios. In the musical, he has been played by Hikari Ono. Hikari jokingly commented that she was given "this completely unfeminine Prince role",[5] due to the fact that among cast members,[6] Hikari was known for playing male or androgynous roles. These include Hawk's Eye, Kou Taiki, and Loof Merrow.[7]

[edit] Black Lady

Main article: Chibiusa#Black Lady

Black Lady (Wicked Lady in the dub) is the brainwashed form of Chibiusa. Wiseman comes across the lonely Chibiusa, who is still trying to find her place in the 20th Century, and twists her memories of her family to make her do his bidding. As Chibiusa's dream is to become a beautiful lady like her mother, Black Lady's form is something like a femme fatale.

Her history and personality differ between the anime and the manga. In the anime, Black Lady hates her family and the Sailor Senshi and tries to kill them because she believes she is unloved. She also considers her toy, Luna-P, as her only friend. The love of her parents finally restores her. In the manga, she throws away the Luna-P after her transformation and derides it as a childish toy. She also uses her powers to brainwash and seduce her future father, Mamoru. It is the shock of witnessing the death of her closest friend, Sailor Pluto, that frees her from the dark power and causes Chibiusa to power up into Sailor Chibi Moon for the first time.

[edit] Servants

[edit] Ayakashi Sisters

Main article: Ayakashi Sisters

The four Ayakashi Sisters (あやかしの四姉妹 Ayakashi no Yon Shimai?) are subordinate antagonists and are known as the Weird Sisters or Four Sisters of Nemesis in the English dub. Their name is roughly translated in the subtitled DVDs as The Four Phantom Sisters, although the exact meaning of ayakashi is "ghost that appears at sea during a shipwreck."[8]

The Sisters belong to the Black Moon Clan and are under the supervision of Crimson Rubeus. The amount of "Screen time" they receive and their fate both depend on the version of the series. In the manga they are killed outright but are healed and become normal humans in the Anime.

Each of the sisters has powers similar to those of the Guardian Senshi, with the added prefix "Dark", and are matched one-to-one against them as antagonists. In both the manga and anime they each target the Senshi they correspond to.

[edit] Boule Brothers

The Boule Brothers - Chiral & Achiral
The Boule Brothers - Chiral & Achiral

The Boule Brothers, Chiral and Achiral (known as Doom and Gloom in the English dub), are two minor antagonists belonging to the Black Moon Clan. They are under the service of Green Esmeraude, even appearing on her page in the Materials Collection art book. They are more significant in the manga plot than the anime, in which they are simply monsters of the day.

In the manga, the brothers are sent to greet the Sailor Senshi when they arrive in Crystal Tokyo. They create a mirror-image replica of the Crystal Palace as a trap. When Sailor Moon attacks them, she is paralyzed by a magnetic field from a man-made crystal at her feet. However, Tuxedo Mask destroys the crystal by willing it to break, and the brothers are killed by him and Sailor Venus.

The brothers' anime counterparts are used to grow "Dark Henges" at Jūban Park and Jūban Elementary School. They cause all of the pupils and teachers at the school to fight each other, viciously and constantly. They also attack Chibiusa's best friend, Momoko, which causes Chibiusa to reveal her identity as "The Rabbit" to the Black Moon Clan.

[edit] Spotted Tilmun

Spotted Tilmun was a musical-only character who appeared only in Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady. He was a member of the Black Moon Clan. Although it was never explained why, he only had a half crescent moon on his forehead, for which Esmeraude looked down on him. He shared a friendship with Aaron and Manna because they were all misfits within the Clan.

When the Black Moon Clan held a contest to lure out the Sailor Senshi, he acted as the announcer under the name "Roppongi Tilmun."

In the end, when Death Phantom began systematically killing the Black Moon members, Tilmun died protecting Aaron and Manna.

He was played by Ikuya Moro. The character did not appear in the revsion.

[edit] Aron and Mana

Aron and Mana are twin girls belonging to the Black Moon Clan. Neither have the Black Moon symbol on their foreheads, and the acceptance into the clan as full members is a minor plot in the musical Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady and its revision. Aron and Mana wear inverted colours of each others costumes, Aron wears mainly purple while Mana wears mainly red. They had parents from both Nemesis and Earth.

They are sent by Wiseman to convince Chibiusa that nobody cares about her and they succeed. Eventually, when given a rose each by Tuxedo Mask, the two begin to have doubts about invading Earth. When Tuxedo Mask is seduced by Black Lady, Aron and Mana gives him back the roses, breaking the spell and distracting Black Lady long enough for Tuxedo Mask to take her Silver Crystal. They are killed by Wiseman after Black Lady is reverted to Chibiusa.

Aron and Mana are portrayed by Nagisa Adaniya and Kasumi Suzuki respectively

[edit] Droids

In the manga, the droids were manufactured by Saphir, using the power of the Evil Black Crystal, and were all very similar in shape and form. According to the Materials Collection, the manga droids were like robots resembling sand figurines; they had no eyes or mouths, and they could only produce screeching noises rather than words.

Veneti and Aquatici were considered perfect droids by Saphir.

In the anime, all of the droids were very different looking individuals, and all of them could talk. When they were destroyed, however, they dissolved into a pile of sand, implying that they were similar to their manga counterparts in at least that respect.

[edit] Veneti and Aquatici

A pair of Droids in both the manga and musicals. They are considered perfect creations by Saphir. They were wisp like beings in the manga but humanoid in the musical. Veneti had a masculine form in the manga while Aquatici had a feminine form, but it is unknown if they actually have genders. They were both female in the Musical.

In the musicals, Veneti was played by Izumi Ogino and Aquatici was played by Yuka Kuwahara

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Takeuchi, Naoko (July 6, 1994). Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Volume 7. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-178781-0. 
  2. ^ Takeuchi, Naoko (September 1999). Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Volume V Original Picture Collection. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-324521-7. 
  3. ^ Takeuchi, Naoko (October 1999). Materials Collection. Kodansha. ISBN 4-06-324521-7. 
  4. ^ Doi, Hitoshi. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. Retrieved on 2006-10-06.
  5. ^ Sailor Moon Musical, 2001 Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady Fan Kansha Event ( Fan Apprieciation Event) - After Ankoku no Sonnet, Hikari Ono's one day service performance
  6. ^ Sailor Moon Musical, 2001 500kai Kouen Video (500th performance commerative video) - Fumina Hara's stage narrative by Yuuta Mochizuta and Nao Takagi - Yuuta:"She's a good guy (Hikari as Loof Merrow the female pirate)", Nao:"Girl, girl"
  7. ^ - Ono Hikari
  8. ^ Jeffrey's Japanese <-> English Dictionary. Retrieved on 2007-02-23. Translation is shown in this search.

[edit] External links

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Sailor Moon series
Codename: Sailor V | Manga (chapter list) | Anime (episode list) | Stage musicals | Video games | Live-action | English adaptations | Parallel
Protagonists (including Sailor Senshi)
Sailor Moon | Tuxedo Mask | Chibiusa
Sailor Mercury | Sailor Mars | Sailor Jupiter | Sailor Venus
Sailor Pluto | Sailor Neptune | Sailor Uranus | Sailor Saturn
Queen Serenity | Luna, Artemis, and Diana
Sailor Starlights | Princess Kakyuu | ChibiChibi
Minor and supporting characters

Story arcs
Dark Kingdom | R/Black Moon | S/Infinity | Supers/Dream | Stars
Dark Kingdom (Shitennou/Generals)
Makaiju aliens | Black Moon Clan (Ayakashi Sisters)
Death Busters (Witches 5)
Dead Moon Circus (Amazon Trio, Amazoness Quartet)
Shadow Galactica (Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Animamates)

Sailor Moon R | Sailor Moon S | Sailor Moon Supers