Birnirk culture

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The Birnirk culture is a prehistoric Inuit civilization of the north coast of Alaska, dating from 500 to 900 CE and disappearing around 1000 CE. It succeeded the Punuk and Old Bering Sea/Okvik cultures and is distinguished from those cultures due to different art and harpoon styles. It preceded the Thule culture. During the Birnirk culture, sea mammals were hunted. "Open-water pursuit" (using kayaks) was used.

A burial mound of the Birnirk culture was discovered in the town of Wales; 16 more have been found in Barrow at the "Birnirk site," which is now a National Historic Landmark. An ancient Birnirk village was at Ukpeagvik.

sod house remains in Barrow
sod house remains in Barrow
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Click on the image and then on "full resolution" to read the sign.