Biodiesel in the United Kingdom

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Biodiesel is rapidly becoming more common in a number of developed countries and the environmental effects of using biodiesel either as a blend such as B20 (20% biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel) or as a straight fuel stock may be different in various countries. This is because the allowable amounts of sulfur and other compounds vary from country to country. Additionally, the average temperature in a country will dictate the amount of biodiesel that can be blended into the fuel supply before the cloud point (the temperature at which the fluid gels) renders the fuel unusable. As such, the benefits and disadvantages of biodiesel will vary from those in the United Kingdom.

[edit] Environmental benefits

Graph of UK figures for the Carbon Intensity of Biodiesels and fossil fuels. It assumes biodiesel is transported to the UK to be burnt.
Graph of UK figures for the Carbon Intensity of Biodiesels and fossil fuels. It assumes biodiesel is transported to the UK to be burnt.[1]

Making and burning biodiesel contributes to atmospheric Carbon Dioxide to a smaller extent than burning Fossil Fuels. The calculation of exactly how much Carbon Dioxide is produced is a complex and inexact process, and is highly dependant on the method by which the biofuel is produced. The graph on the right shows the figures calculated by the UK government for the Renewable transport fuel obligation.[2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References