User:Billy Bob
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Billy Bob Johnson [but evrybudy calls me Bruser Ocupastion= night shiff at the ferteliszer plant Hobbys= drinkin beer with my buddies street draggin my truck an specialy now my new compuder Taxt here= I like contry music and stock car racin and funny paintin ever since my girfrien took me to that there movie bowt JaCKson Pollak.. I got a grate girfriern. She sez I talk to much an sum fokes make fun of me. she don’t. Her names Jolene an she is gorgis an owns her oan paid up trailor. Shes preddy relegous tho so I hav to be reel carful bowt swarin an stuff like that trhere.. O yeh Id shure like to make new friens to. My bes t buddie is Bruno.He’s my hunderd persent pur bred Rotwiler mut. I dont like Sadem Hussain the Frenchies or wimppy Canadens My favrite politishens are Pat Buchanen cause hes so smart and aint afrad of nobudy. He shuld be The Presedent but at lest GeorgeW got balls . Nams not a good subjuct for me ether, I aint got a lot of smarts no mor and I think this here Wikiapedia place is grate to lern frum all kines of stuff. Theire shure ar sum realy braney fokes! Marty Robbins is my alltime favrite singer. He is dead tho, My pappy checkked out with his 12 gage but lreft me a real old 45 recurd of Johnny Hortons called the battle of new Orleans. It \is realy grate to. It’s a bowt kickin Brittish but and wiinnin indipendense! I git headakes when I reed to much or trey to wreite a lot so thatsenough for now. Later dudes! Go sea my very furst Wikiapedia story I don on Marty!