User:Bill Spencer5

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello: I am Bill Spencer, apparently the fifth one to have this name among Wikipedia users. I do not mind being fifth. I keep an eye on a few, possibly trivial, Wikipedia listings that I have contributed, most of which concern the community that I live in. I would like to think that I am an well versed on the history of my small community, having lived here for almost 60 years. Some might debate this assumption; nonetheless, I plan to watch my pet listings carefully. I also plan to branch out into some other areas that interest me.

I am currently a Tech Coordinator for a public school district who enjoys building Web pages, writing Web articles, and facilitating student's and educator's access to the WWW. Being an educator, I find satifaction in stamping out ingnorance whereever I find it, even in myself. Wikipedia gives me some satifaction, and certainly a fine vehicle, for advancing the transfer of knowledge.

Many thanks go to Tikiwont and Karanacs for helping me get started here.