Bikes Not Bombs

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Bikes Not Bombs is a Boston, Massachusetts based bicycle project which recycles donated bicycles, trains young people to fix their own bikes and become employable mechanics and sends thousands of refurbished bikes to communities in countries such as South Africa, Ghana, and Guatemala each year since 1984. These bicycles do not go just anywhere, but are used to set up bike shops where none existed, using the donated containers as shop buildings and sending trainers who stay for months to establish a well coached local organization. They have also loaded containers with medical and recovery supplies to hurricane destroyed areas from Mitch to Katrina, accompanied by volunteers.

MISSION STATEMENT Lasting peace and social justice require equitable and sustainable use of resources. BNB provides community-based education and assists development projects with recycled bicycles, related technologies and technical assistance, as concrete alternatives to the militarism, over-consumption & inequality that breed war and environmental destruction. Our organization is part of a worldwide movement for peace and responsible stewardship of the earth.

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Bikes Not Bombs is also the name of an activist organization in San Francisco.
