Bike derby
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Also known as "Foot Down" a bike derby is a contest, the goal of which is to be the last person still riding their bike. Modeled somewhere between a Demolition derby and a Roller derby, a bike derby adds the element of maintaining balance on a bicycle while causing other contentants' to lose their balance and step or fall to the ground. When a contestant touches the ground, they are considered out of the derby.
Bike derbies often involve, roughly in order of popularity:
- drinking alcoholic beverages
- an arena defined by the spectators' bodies
- audience participation
- personal injury
- property damage, primarily to contestants' bikes
- cheap bikes
- costumes
Additionally, a newer trend of 'Ghost Biking' has become part of a derby. A 'Ghost Bike' is a riderless bike that is often rolled into the mix by someone on the sidelines. The intention of this is to knock someone off their bike.
[edit] History
While historically based on a popular children's pastime, the modern bicycle derby was first implemented in Minneapolis, MN by the employees and friends of bicycle industry giant QBP.[citation needed] Since that time, bicycle derbies have spread through the industry and to events such as the Single Speed World Championship.