Big Gay Out

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Faceparty's Big Gay Out is a United Kingdom live popular music event, dance party and fun fair organized by the profile and community website Faceparty for the LGBT community, in London. It has been held twice, in 2004 as part of London's Gay Pride, and again in 2005 separately from London Pride, both times in Finsbury Park. According to their website, there will be no Big Gay Out in 2006 due to the Europride celebrations, but a third event is planned for 2007.

A portion of the profits goes to charities including Stonewall.


[edit] Line-ups

Artists performing at Big Gay Out:

[edit] 2004 event

[edit] 2005 event

The 2005 Big Gay Out had many reformed bands and come-back artists, including:

Goldfrapp in the Popstarz tent

Babyshambles were scheduled to appear but, not entirely unexpectedly, did not show up.

Contestants of the popular show Playing It Straight also made an appearance, as did the 2005 Mr Gay UK finalists. Graham Norton also appeared introducing some acts.

[edit] External links