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a story i wrote (I'm still working on it, so just wait...)

“Come with me,” Josh urged, tugging on my hand towards a door to outside. I looked at his pleading eyes and quickly gave in. Sure, Evanescence was a good band, but josh was all around great. Something about him was so alluring, enchanting, it was hard to refuse. His looks, attitude, everything about him made him seem so… perfect. Easy to trust.

The warm evening air greeted me as we crept to the back of the building. He hadn’t mentioned what he had in mind, and the suspense was almost too much. Finally, he stopped and turned to me.

“Ah,” I said, putting my finger to his lips, which were puckered and ready to go. I smiled at his questioning look.

“How do I know I won’t be raped and then cut to pieces, put in a bag and buried/” he smiled, but I was serious, so the smile was gone instantly. He caught my gaze and held it, and once again I was hypnotized.

“just trust me,” he whispered, then kissed me. I closed my eyed, my mind slipping, him kissing my neck… was he pinching my neck? In surprise I pushed him back. He looked at me, hungry. The look in his eyes was different, his eyes were an unearthly red, and there were fangs barely visible behind those perfect lips.

“I froze in terror. What did all this mean? What was he? He couldn’t be human, because… none of this made sense. We kept standing there, watching each other for the next move. All of a sudden it was too hot and crowded, even though it was just the two of us; too quiet and creepy to stay with a monster, alone.

“So I ran. I dashed around the corner, away from him.

““Hey!” he yelled, and I heard his footsteps gaining on me. I had to act fast. I stopped and looked around, heart pounding, searching for a place to hide. I didn’t get anywhere.

““Ah!” I screamed when he appeared in front of me. He advanced towards me, forcing me back until I hit the wall behind me. I cold hear the music inside, and I knew it would be the last song I would hear. So I hummed along with it.

“I stood there as Josh went for my neck again, and this time I didn’t resist. I closed my eyes and hummed, feeling his breath, lips and teeth on my neck. I knew he would bite me. But before he did, he spoke.

““before I do this.” He said, wrenching himself away from me, “there is something you should know.”

““Ok,” I said hesitantly, keeping my eyes closed. I didn’t want to see those blood red eyes any more, even if they were beautiful.

““Well, I’m going to do a favor for you. I’m going to turn you,” he poked my arm gently, “into one of us.”

““May I ask, what are you?” I asked innocently. I was honestly getting freaked out.

““A vampire.” He said simply, and my eyes flew open. A blood sucking monster that lived forever and tortured humans!? No way did I want to be a… one of… oh, look what nice eyes he had.

“I passed out cold.

“‘Where am I?’ I thought groggily as I opened my eyes. I was barely aware that I was floating in darkness. Frantic, I looked around, but no one was in sight. Was I dreaming? Or worse, was I dead? I wanted to curl up and cry right there.

““No, you are not dead,” said a familiar voice. A voice I swore I never wanted to hear again.