Bianca Solderini

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Bianca Solderini is a fictional character in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. She appears in "The Vampire Armand" and "Blood and Gold".

Bianca was born in Florence, Italy in the late 1470s. She has wavy golden hair which she often interweaves with pearls and sharp grey eyes and is often described as a woman painted by Botticelli.

She lived a happy mortal life with her brothers until they died and she was forced to depend financially on her evil kinsmen who were bankers. They provided amply for her as long as she killed those who they instructed her to kill. She did this by opening her house to virtually all as an amiable and graceful hostess and secretly placing poison in the wine cups of those whom her said kinsmen wanted dead.

She was a renowned Venetian courtesan when Marius came to know her. Marius immediately fell in love with her and became obsessed with her, contemplating to make her a vampire. A few years after the two knew each other, Armand arrived on the scene and also fell in love with Bianca. The three formed an amiable sort of love triangle before The Children of Darkness, led by Santino, destroyed Marius's palazzo, burned Marius and took away Armand.

After the burning, Marius, severely weakened, mentally called Bianca to him. Marius had to make Bianca a vampire so that she could bring him victims so that he could heal.

The two stayed together for nearly two hundred years, caring for Those Who Must Be Kept, before Bianca left Marius in Dresden. It is not known where she went after leaving Marius or even whether she exists. The most recent sighting of her was by Armand in Paris in the early 1800s. It's possible that she was slain by Akasha when she awoke in The Queen of The Damned. Akasha killed all who challenged her and Bianca may have been one of her victims, though her fate has not been explicitly stated in any of the Vampire Chronicles.