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Bhumiya is a reader, a professional writer, and an amateur translator. His interests are widespread, as are his loyalties, his expertise, and his ignorance. His main concern is the southern cone of South America, particularly Buenos Aires and Uruguay, and the literature of that area. He has actively edited Wikipedia since late 2002, though he has only recently begun to follow the rules.


[edit] Articles I began

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Behold the fruits of boredom and obsession. Most of these articles are stubs. Those which have grown beyond stubs have usually done so without my help. Those which I translated are in italics. A few years ago I edited under the account of "Binadot". I include his articles among mine, since he is not in a position to complain.

Abkarian, Simon | Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo | Acacia seed | Achugar, Hugo | Adstratum | Agent (grammar) | Ahmad, Bashir | Airline meal | Airstone | Anderson, Tenshin | Ánimas Trujano | Alatorre, Antonio | Alba (poetry) | Albrecht, Wilhelm Eduard | Aliquant | Aliquot | Anemophily | Apologetic apostrophe | Aristology | Armitage, Richard | Arreola, Juan José | Asulox | Auprès de ma Blonde | Ausserparlamentarische Opposition | Azquénaga, Miguel de | Balde, Seydina | Ball pit | Banchs, Enrique | Barroetaveña, Francisco A. | Benavides, Washington | Berenguer, Amanda | Blood of the Wig | Bodhimandala | Boyle, Peter | Braden, Spruille | Bringing in the Sheaves | Burmann, Gottlob | Burton, Norman | Cané, Miguel | Cara al Sol | Casino-Fraktion | Chereme | Chômeur | Civic Youth Union | Cluster ballooning | Coffee table | Common room | Comrade | Conjugal visit | Copi (artist) | Cordera, Gustavo | Criminaloid | Cuneo, José | Demarco, Hugo | Dene-Caucasian languages | Depression storage capacity | Dickie | Dissimilation | Donduk Kuular | Don Segundo Sombra | Double copula | Dreamtigers | Dried distiller's grain | Du, Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen | Dummy pronoun | Dunbar's number | E (kana) | Ebrahim, Vincent | Emecé Editores | Entomophily | Entrance of the Gladiators | Entrevías | Fan death | Fer-de-Lance (book) | Firyubin, Nikolay | FitzPatrick, Joe | Fredericks, Charles | Fujiwara Kamatari | Gai pied | Galilei, Alessandro | Gallo, Delfín | Gaudé, Laurent | Generic mood | Generic you | German declension | Gesamtbedeutung | Gibson, Tony | Gigantothermy | Governor of Montevideo | Groussac, Paul | Hamed, Amir | Hashimoto Shinobu | Hasidic New Wave | Herrera, Carlos María | Herrera y Reissig, Julio | Horton, Robert Elmer | Horton overland flow | Hsu Yun | Hydrophily | Illico | Infiltration capacity | Integrated farming | Interpretant | Irrealis | I've Been Working on the Railroad | Japanese phonetic alphabet | Jacques, Amédée | Jiyu-Kennett, Houn | Karsunke, Yaak | Keeler, Ken | Kim Seung-woo | Kiranti languages | Kirchnerism | Kyo Machiko | Lapsed Catholic | Latin American Boom | Leal, Carlos | Legrand, Mirtha | Lepenies, Wolf | Lightereul Kyeora | Linking R | López, Eduardo Ochoa | Lower Depths, The | Makeup sex | Mármol, José | Martin, Barney | Maternal impression | Medina Vidal, Jorge | Mesolect | Millán Astray, José | Modistae | Mongolian spot | Mooncalf | Movement Against the Monarchy | Nanpa | Navarre, Yves | Neural crest | Night-blindness | Olaguer y Feliú, Antonio de | Oligosynthetic language | O'Loughlin, Alex | Oribe, Emilio | Origo | Oyster Farmer | Park Yeong-gyu | Pate, Michael | Patient (grammar) | Pemán, José María | Petrichor | Political boss | Polo, Carmen | Premios Ondas | Prince Mongo | Proto-Kiranti | Pruno | Pueyrredón, Prilidiano | Pirámide de Mayo | Race movie | Rama, Ángel | Ramp effect | Red-Dirt Marijuana and Other Tastes | Register (linguistics) | René, Denise | Ruman, Sig | Saavedra Acevedo, Jerónimo | Chic Sale | Savalas, George | Savary, Jérôme | Semantic drift | Senzaki, Nyogen | Shi Runjiu | Shotgun house | Shrimp toast | Starostin, Sergei | Soler Serrano, Joaquín | Speraindeo | Stretch marks | Suárez, Manuel Isidoro | Superfamily (linguistics) | Superstratum | Supreme director | Supreme Director of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata | Taquito | Television in the Soviet Union | Terry Jones' Medieval Lives | Torre, Guillermo de | U (kana) | Ubasuteyama | United States Steel Hour, The | Vaz Feirrera, Carlos | Verbification | Verbum dicendi | Vidal, César | Weather verb | Weaver, Fritz | Windbreaker | Wisdom of repugnance | Wiseman, Joseph | Wolheim, Louis | Wörter und Sachen | Zabala, Bruno Mauricio de | Zerolo, Pedro | Zoophily

[edit] Articles I will have begun

Unless someone beats me to them, that is.

[edit] Articles I've worked on

These are some articles I've expanded or spent a lot of time on.

[edit] Articles to expand

The Barnstar of Good Humor
You are, to be sure, eminently deserving of a barnstar for your substantive contributions (both to articles and at the language reference desk, in view of positive experiences at which many first-time visitors join the project), or even of one for the fact of remarkable concordance of the various stances enumerated on your user page with my views, but I think you to be, as I, inclined to jocularity, so I bestow this barnstar on you in appreciation not only of the general cordiality you radiate but also of the specific provenance of your user name, which I find particularly amusing. Joe 22:28, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

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This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user to whom this page belongs may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at

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