User:Beta m

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 2005 August 10, after i have realised that Wikipedia is moving towards a more and more deletionist stance, i came to Anarchopedia.

My only presence on Wikipedia will from now on be to more content to Anarchopedia.

The user would prefer the username User:Beta_M. The substitution or omission of an _ is due to technical restrictions.

Note to all Wikipedians: Please feel free to fix spelling and grammar errors (with the exception of capitalisation), but please don't alter the content. All the discussion should take place on my talk page.
Note to Wiki admins: I don't mess around Wikipedia, i don't create pages out of boredom or as a joke. However, 2 pages of i've created (Hungry ghost realm and Hell realm) were deleted, i can't find out why (maybe somebody can point me to the right direction), i have recreated those pages. If you have an issue with my contributions please leave something on my talk page, maybe i've done something not the way you wish it to be, and i'm willing to spend time fixing it. Thank you.


[edit] About me

[edit] Personal description

Place of birth and citizenship
Place of birth and citizenship
Political stand
Political stand

Wiki-name: Beta_M for english wikipedia and Beta_M ru for the russian version

Real name: VolodyA! V Anarhist

Government approved name: [withheld]

Citizenship: persona non grata

Place of Birth: Earth

Occupation: Student (Software engineering in Kingston University)

Religion: None

Spirituality: Atheist, Agnostic, Metaphysician, Taoist, and Buddhist (i'm at the same time all of those things and none of them).

Political stand: I was born Anarchist. However, on 2005-Apr-01 i have decided to stop using this label in reference to myself.

Hobbies: Poetry (edit/publish a zine), Programming, Hentai, Politics

See also Personal web page

[edit] Favorite movies, films, cartoons

  1. Léon
  2. Cabeza de Vaca
  3. Gandhi
  4. Schindler's List
  5. Natural Born Killers
  6. Cuckoo
  7. South Park
  8. Excel Saga
  9. Brass Eye

[edit] How i started with Wiki

I've began my help to the Wikipedia project when i was searching for the information on the internet for my university course. Then i've realized that there aren't many resources out there to do the true research without paying some sort of membership fee. Oh, yes, uni did provide us with some encyclopedias on the net that we could use without any charges, but most of those were written very one-sidedly, and there were times when i knew more than the article was giving, and nothing could be done about it. Finally i have stumbled upon Wiki. Although there were/are many inaccuracies and biases, it gave me an option to simply click the edit tab and add my own knowledge to whatever was already there.

[edit] My concerns about Wiki

I believe that Wikipedia with all its positive sides also has many downfalls. One of the major ones (in my opinion) is that there is no room for original research. Author must simply restate what somebody else has already said. When someone comes out with their own experiences that is labelled as POV and stricken out.

Another one is NPOV wars that go on. Some people simply can't agree with keeping opposing point of view in the article and adding their own. They also want to delete anything contradicting their limited world view.

[edit] Copyright notice

All of my work done on Wikipedia is in public domain and can be used by anyone for any purpose.

See also User:Beta_m/Image copyright

[edit] Articles i'm proud of

Note: Please do help me develop these even further.

[edit] Articles and images i edit

Commonly agreed way of perceiving Anarchist movement
Commonly agreed way of perceiving Anarchist movement

[edit] Articles i've translated into Russian

[edit] Articles i don't edit, but read

[edit] Articles i wish to write or significantly contribute to

Note: If some of these future articles don't conform to the naming conventions please feel free to edit this page to make them correct.

[edit] ToDo templates

Open tasks for Buddhism
Newly added
Editing /
Missing articles










  • Rangjung Yeshe Translations and Publications
  • Tsadra Foundation
  • Dedrol Gonpa
  • Amida-Shu


  • Gordon Douglas
  • Jampe Lhakhang
  • Kyichu Lhakhang (person) (??? is there really such a person or this is only misplaced entry for the temple?)
  • James Valby
  • Ives Waldo
  • Karl Brunnhoelzl
  • Gyurme Dorje
  • Ngulchu Thogmed
  • Shabkar/zabs dkar
  • Adzom Drugpa
  • Padampa Sangye
  • Letro Lingpa (Tib. las 'phro gling pa)
  • Sangye Lingpa
  • Mahasiddha Humkara
  • Achoe Rinpoche
  • Minjur Dorje
  • various modern teachers


  • Bakabrahma Sutta
  • Kama Sutta, contrast with Kama Sutra
  • Maha-Saccaka Sutta
  • Maha-salayatanika Sutta
  • Maha-samaya Sutta
  • Maha-sihanada Sutta
  • Potthapada Sutta
  • Upanisa Sutta
  • Nyingthig Yabshi
  • The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva
  • Entering the Way of a Bodhisattva
  • Phagme Nyingthig (Tib. spelling: 'chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig, Innermost Essence teachings of the Immortal Bodhisattva [Arya Tara])


  • Buddhist sculpture
  • Buddhist Studies
  • Differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism
  • Differences between Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana?
  • RangjungYesheWiki
  • Five Sisters of Long Life/Thon Thing Gyalmo
Buddhism stubs









Open Tasks for Anarchism (Edit this list)
Missing articles (1) Missing articles (2) Missing articles (3) Editing /

Missing organizations:

  • III International
  • Alliance of Kazan' Anarchists [1]
  • Anarchist Communist Tendency
  • Anarchist Communist Union of Victoria
  • Anarchist Federation - French-Speaking Belgium Regional Union
  • Anarchist Federation (France)
  • Anarchist Federation in Denmark
  • Anarchist Federation of China
  • Anarchist Federation of Mexico
  • Anarchist Federation of Norway
  • Anarchist Federation of Quebec
  • Anarchist Federation of Scotland
  • Anarchist Federation of Venezuela
  • Anarchist International
  • Anarchist Revolutionary Movement
  • Anarchist Skins And Punx
  • Anarcho-Communist Organization of Stockholm
  • Anarchist Communist Union of Portland
  • AUCA [2]
  • BAAM Boston []
  • Burning Rose
  • Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN)
  • Center for a Stateless Society [3]
  • Coalition to Save Preserves
  • Consejo Inigeno Popolar de Oaxaca [4]
  • Contact (magazine)
  • Counter-Culture Collective
  • Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation (SAF) [5]
  • Davao Anarchists Resistance Movement
  • External Secretariat
  • Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro [6]
  • Federación Anarquista Uruguya [7]
  • Fédération anarchiste francophone
  • Federation of Anarchists of Bulgaria
  • Federation of Anarcho-Communists of Bulgaria
  • Federation of Australian Anarchists
  • Federation of German Speaking Anarchists
  • Federation of Libertarian Groups of Chile
  • Federation of Libertarian Socialists
  • Firebrand Collective
  • Great Plains Anarchist Network
  • Gwent Anarchists
  • Hunt Saboteurs' Association
  • Italian Anarchist Federation
  • Japan Anarchist Club
  • Kenyan anarchist literature project
  • Kokkinoskoufitsa
  • Leeds Class War
  • Libertarian Alliance of Uruguay
  • Libertarian Organisations of Peru
  • Libertarian Socialist Council
  • Libertarian Socialist Federation
  • Los Solidarios
  • Luta Libertaria [8]
  • Minnesota Prison Labor Union
  • Molinari Institute [9] is a redirect
  • New Zealand Federation of Anarchists
  • NovSvet [10]
  • Offensive Libertaire et Sociale [11]
  • Ora-Solidarita [12]
  • Organisation Communiste Libertaire [13]
  • Organisation Socialiste Libertaire [14]
  • Organización Socialista Libertaria [15]
  • Peoples Autonomous Destination (PAD) [16]]
  • PDX Anti-Fascists
  • Regional Anarchist Federation of Baden
  • Red Libertario Apoyo Mutuo [17]
  • Réseau No Pasaran [18]
  • Resistance (newsletter)
  • (ROAD) Rural Ontario Anarchist Development Collective
  • Society for the Black Front
  • South Wales Anarchists [19]
  • Victoria Anarchists Collective
  • Workers Solidarity Federation [20]

Missing concepts:

  • Anarchism and ecology
  • Anarchism and education
  • Anarchism and the family
  • Anarchism and fascism
  • Anarchism and identity 1
  • Anarchism and the Soviet Union
  • Anarcho-capitalism and mutualism
  • Anarcho-herbalism
  • Anarcho-transhumanism
  • anti-racist art
  • non-voting
  • revolutionary left
  • social prisoners

Missing people:

  • Mark Gunnery
  • Paul Hefeld (Elephant)
  • David Hock
  • Abe Izaak and Mary Izaak
  • Maria Korn
  • Jacob Lepidus (Jacob Meyer)
  • Moisei Mets
  • Mark Mratchny
  • Iuda Roshchin
  • Alexander Schapiro
  • Saša Schlümper (Samuil Nahimovich Beilin)
  • Moishe Shtarkman
  • Ida Silberblatt
  • Marc Silverstein
  • Yordan Sotirov (Manol Vassev)
  • Nikolai Striga (Vladimir Lapidus)
  • Olga Taratuta
  • Saul Yanovsky
  • Jared Zavala

Misc. missing articles:

  • Anarchism in Belgium
  • Anarchism in Colombia
  • Anarchism in Costa Rica
  • Anarchism in Finland
  • Anarchism in Portugal
  • Anarchism in Uruguay
  • Anarchism in Wales
  • Free Life (jounal)
  • Situation (newspaper)
  • Thought Bombs (zine) or Thought Bombs (periodical)
  • In Defence of Anarchism,
    seminal academic philosophy paper by Wolff
  • From Bakunin to Lacan,
    definitive post-anarchist text by Saul Newman.



Multiple issues

Needs citations & verification

Disputed neutrality

Inappropriate tone

Anarchist Federation (Britain and Ireland)

Expansion Expansion (2) Crossreferences Discussions of importance



[edit] Stubs

There are many stubs that need to be expanded, here are some of the categories i look at:

[edit] Urgend attention

Many of these pages can actually become a full blown articles, however, there are users who do no editing except for putting other pages as VfD.

See User:Beta_m/Deletionaholics

[edit] My pages on other Wikis

[edit] External link

en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
ru Русский языкродной для этого участника.
sgn-1 This user can communicate at a basic level in ASL.
uk-1 Користувач може робити внесок українською мовою на початковому рівні.