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[edit] Who developed the Betatron
It's been a while since I researched this, but it is my recollection that Steenbeck developed the theory but didn't get his device to work. I think his design had some issues. I recall it was like a standard power transformer with a rectangular core -- wires were wrapped around one side and the vacuum chamber was around the other. Dlenmn 22:18, 3 June 2007 (UTC)
I think you should edit the part about who developed the Betatron:
The articel in the german wikipedia says: german betatron articel
"The first Betatron was developed by Max Steenbeck in 1935 at the Siemens-Schuckertwerk laboratory in Berlin. But it was kept secret in the first years ...[...] ... Independet of this Betatron, Donald William Kerst build an Betatron in 1940 at the University of Illinois, so thats why he is todays inventor of the betatron, but also he refers in his publications in the Physical Reviwe to Rolf Wideroe, he had the ideas for the Betatron already in 1920s."
This is only a rough translation of this paragraph: Das erste funktionsfähige Betatron wurde 1935 von Max Steenbeck im Forschungslabor der Siemens-Schuckertwerke Berlin entwickelt, jedoch zunächst geheim gehalten und wegen anderer Schwerpunktsetzungen nicht weiterverfolgt. Unabhängig davon wurde ein Betatron 1940 auch von Donald William Kerst an der University of Illinois gebaut, der daher heute als Erfinder des Betatrons gilt, sich jedoch auch in seiner Veröffentlichung im Physical Review ausdrücklich auf Rolf Wideröe bezog, der die Idee zum Betatron bereits in den 1920er Jahren hatte.
--moere 19:33, 13 January 2007 (UTC)