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Beszterce-Naszód County
County of the Kingdom of Hungary
1876 – 1920
Location of Beszterce-Naszód
Capital Beszterce
 - Established 1876
 - Treaty of Trianon June 41920
 - 1910 4,333 km² (1,673 sq mi)
 - 1910 est. 127,800 
     Density 29.5 /km²  (76.4 /sq mi)
Today part of Romania
Bistriţa is the current name of the capital.

Beszterce-Naszód was the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in northern Romania (north-eastern Transylvania). The capital of the county was Beszterce (now Bistriţa).


[edit] Geography

Beszterce-Naszód county shared borders with Kingdom of Romania, the Austrian Bukovina, and the Hungarian counties Máramaros, Szolnok-Doboka, Kolozs, Maros-Torda, and Csík. Its area was 4167 km² around 1910.

Contemporary map about the county
Contemporary map about the county

[edit] History

Beszterce-Naszód county was formed in 1876, when the Transylvanian Saxon district of Beszterce/Bistritz was united with the district of Naszód (since 1861, 1762-1851 military frontier district) and part of Doboka county. In 1920 the Treaty of Trianon assigned the territory of Beszterce-Naszód county to Romania. The territory of the county is now in the (larger) Romanian county Bistriţa-Năsăud.

[edit] Demographics

In 1910, county had a population of 127,843 people. Population by language:

  • Romanian = 87,564
  • German = 25,609
  • Hungarian = 10,737

[edit] Subdivisions

In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of the county Beszterce-Naszód were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
Besenyő, RO Viişoara Beszterce, RO Bistriţa
Jád, RO Livezile Beszterce, RO Bistriţa
Naszód Naszód, RO Năsăud
Óradna Óradna, RO Rodna
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)
Beszterce, RO Bistriţa


Comitatus of the Kingdom of Hungary (1886)

Abaúj-Torna | Alsó-Fehér | Arad | Árva | Bács-Bodrog | Baranya | Bars | Békés | Bereg | Beszterce-Naszód | Bihar | Borsod | Brassó | Csanád | Csík | Csongrád | Esztergom | Fejér | Fogaras | Gömör-Kishont | Győr | Hajdú | Háromszék | Heves | Hont | Hunyad | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Kis-Küküllő | Kolozs | Komárom | Krassó-Szörény | Liptó | Máramaros | Maros-Torda | Moson | Nagy-Küküllő | Nógrád | Nyitra | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun | Pozsony | Sáros | Somogy | Sopron | Szabolcs | Szatmár | Szeben | Szepes | Szilágy | Szolnok-Doboka | Temes | Tolna | Torda-Aranyos | Torontál | Trencsén | Turóc | Udvarhely | Ugocsa | Ung | Vas | Veszprém | Zala | Zemplén | Zólyom

Autonomous region of Croatia-Slavonia: Bjelovar-Križevci | Lika-Krbava | Modruš-Rijeka | Požega | Syrmia | Varaždin | Virovitica | Zagreb