Bert Hellinger

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The German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger (b. 1925) is among the most well-known, influential and controversial practitioners living in Europe. His primary method is called Family Constellations. Constellations done in a business context, e.g. with teams, are called organisational constellations. Structural constellations contain also elements with abstract expressions such as: The aim, The handicap or Resources. The superordinate concept of all types of constellations is called systemic constellations.

The fact that Hellinger's work is less recognised in the United States may be because his contributions are not documented in the peer-reviewed journals widely read there.

[edit] Life

Hellinger grew up in Cologne, Germany and studied philosophy, Catholic theology and pedagogy. In 1952 he was ordinated to the priesthood, afterwards he worked in a Catholic missionschool in South Africa until 1968. In 1971 Hellinger left the congregation of 'Marianhiller Missionare' and married.

Hellinger attended among other things courses of Arthur Janov, Frank Farelly, and Jacob Levy Moreno. His further education to a nonmedical psychotherapist was finally accepted in 1982. In Germany, his methods and teachings are very controversial.

[edit] Works

Hellinger has published more than 30 books with combined sales of one million copies in at least ten languages, including:

  • Zweierlei Glück. Konzept und Praxis der systemischen Psychotherapie (1993)
  • Ordnungen der Liebe (1994)
  • Die Mitte fühlt sich leicht an (1996)
  • Wo Schicksal wirkt und Demut heilt - ein Kurs für Kranke
  • Wie Liebe gelingt (1999)
  • mit Gabriele ten Hövel - Anerkennen, was ist. Gespräche über Verstrickung und Heilung
  • Mit der Seele gehen
  • Ordnungen des Helfens - Über die Ordnungen und Unordnungen sinnvollen professionellen Helfens
  • Gedanken unterwegs
  • Gottesgedanken - Über die Gottesvorstellungen der Menschen und ihre Wirkungen und Funktionen in Systemen.
  • Wahrheit in Bewegung
  • Der große Konflikt
  • Ein langer Weg - Biographie (2005)
  • Rachel weint um ihre Kinder - Familien-Stellen mit Überlebenden des Holocaust. Vorwort v. Haim Dasberg (Herder Verlag 3/2004, ISBN 3-451-05443-4)

[edit] External links