Bernhard Scholz

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Bernhard E. Scholz, (March 30, 1835 in Mainz-December 26, 1916 in Munich) was a German conductor, composer and teacher of music.


[edit] Life

Bernhard Scholz was supposed to have taken over his father's business (Lithographische Druckerei und Verlag Jos. Scholz) and studied to be a printer at Imp. Lemercier in Paris. He was a student of Ernst Pauer (piano) in Mainz, and 1855-56 of Siegfried Dehn (counterpoint) in Berlin. He also took voice lessons with the famous teacher Antonio Sangiovanni in Milan. He first taught at the Munich Conservatory and was court Kapellmeister in Zürich, Nuremberg and 1859-65 in Hanover. Between 1865 and 1866 he was director of the Cherubini Society in Florence and also taught at the Stern Conservatory and Kullak'schen Konservatorium. From 1871-83 he directed the Orchestra Society in Breslau. In 1883 he was appointed director of the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main - a post which he held until 1908.

[edit] Works

  • Carlo Rosa, Opera (1858 in Munich)
  • Ziethen'sche Husaren, Opera (1869 in Breslau)
  • Morgiane, Opera (1870 in Munich)
  • Golo, Opera (1875 in Nürnberg)
  • Der Trompeter von Säkkingen, Opera (1877 in Wiesbaden)
  • Die vornehmen Witwe, Opera (1883 in Leipzig)
  • Ingo, Opera (1898 in Frankfurt)
  • Anno 1757, Opera (1903 in Berlin)
  • Mirandolina, Opera (1907 in Darmstadt)
  • Choral music with Orchestra
  • 2 Symphonies
  • Piano Concerto
  • 2 String quartets
  • String quintet
  • Piano quartet
  • 2 Piano Trios
  • 3 Violin sonatas
  • 5 Cello sonatas
  • Piano music
  • Lieder

[edit] Publications

  • Lehre vom Kontrapunkt und der Nachahmung, 1897
  • Wohin treiben wir?, 1897 (a collection of essays)
  • Musikalisches und Persönliches, 1899
  • Verklungene Weisen, 1911
  • Sigfried Dehn: Lehre vom Kontrapunkt, dem Kanon und der Fuge, (Bernhard Scholz, Ed.) 1859/2. Edition: 1883

[edit] References

  • Peter Cahn, Das Hoch'sche Konservatorium in Frankfurt am Main (1878-1978), Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, 1979.
  • Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, (Nicolas Slonimsky, Ed.) New York: G. Schirmer, 1958