Bernart de Panassac

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Bernart de Panassac (fl. 1323–1333) was the minor lord (donzel et seigneur) of Arrouède and one of the last troubadours. He founded the Consistori del Gay Saber in Toulouse. He composed one vers (metaphysical songs) in honour of the Virgin Mary and one canso. His work was analysed in the Gloza of Raimon de Cornet.

He died sometime between 1333 and 1336 at Arrouède.

[edit] References

  • Jeanroy, Alfred. La poésie lyrique des troubadours. Toulouse: Privat. 1934.
  • Thomas, Antoine. "Bernard de Panassac, un des fondateurs des Jeux Floraux". Annales du Midi, 27/28 (1915/16), 37–51.