Berber pantheon

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The traditional Berber pantheon contains a variety of gods. Although most Berbers are now Muslim (and none profess paganism), vestiges of their previous religion remain, including traditions such as "Anzar" and his bride "Tislit".

  • Africa or Ifri or Ifru: a Berber goddess adopted by the Romans.
  • Agurzil (alternatively, Gurzil): Berber god of war, represented by a head of bull by the Luwata nomads.
  • Ammon: An oracle god.
  • Antaeus: A giant from Ancient Libya.
  • Anzar: God of the rain.
  • Atlas: a mountain worshiped by the Berbers, according to Strabo and Herodotus.
  • Ayyur: the moon, but also a Berber god.
  • Barbar: One of the first ancestors of the Berbers according to some Arab historians.
  • Baal-Hammon or Baal-Ammon: A Carthaginian god worshipped in north-western Africa.
  • Ifrikish ibn Kais: the first Berber king - When Joshua and the Hebrews invaded Jericho, few survived. Ifrikish ibn Kais led some of Jericho's giants to escape to Africa. They killed the king of that country and settled there, according to some Arab sources.
  • Iguc: or Iyuc (as is frequent in Berber, G, becomes Y, etc), god of the rain at Berghwata of Morocco.[citation needed]
  • Isis: an Egyptian goddess worshiped by the Libyans according to Herodotus.
  • Makurgun: Berber god, of Punico-Berber origin.[citation needed]
  • Maqurtum: an Amazigh God of Punico-Berber origin.[citation needed]
  • Mastiman: a Moorish deity mentioned by Corippus.
  • Neith: a Libyan goddess mentioned by Herodotus.
  • Osiris: an Egyptian deity worshiped by the Libyans, according to Herodotus.
  • Poseidon: a Libyan god mentioned by Herodotus.
  • Saturn: a Roman deity worshiped by the Berbers. He was paid honour by human sacrifices, according to Tertullian.
  • Sinifer: God of war among the Luwata.
  • Sophox: Son of Heracles and Tinjis according to Plutarch.
  • Suggen: or Seggen, name of a Berber divinity, name which is nowadays found in Aïn Me Lila - Algeria.
  • Sun-cult: a cult that was widespread among the Berbers.
  • Saint worship: a cult which dates back from antiquity.
  • Tanit or Tanit or Tinnit: a Libyan goddess worshiped in Carthage.
  • Tililwa: name of a Berber divinity.[citation needed]
  • Tinjis: a mythic wife of the demi-god Antaeus.
  • Triton: a god the Greeks met in Libya, according to Herodotus.
  • Tislit: Bride of the rain-god Anzar.
  • Warsisima: an Amazigh Berber god; this name is a composed name: name + prefix: wer+isem (without name)

[edit] See also