Talk:Benedictine Secondary School, Pannonhalma

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I've removed these:

see further on:


Adam78 20:17, 16 April 2006 (UTC)

I've removed a section as it's becoming senseless. The reasons are above. Adam78 18:49, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] School slang

Some nicknames have survived generations of students, which include the following:

  • Kupac (meaning "heap/pile"), sometimes written as Qpac: Pannonhalma (originating from the hill)
  • Koksz/Cox (meaning "coke (fuel)") or Kobra: Father Thomas (the current principal)
  • Smasszer (meaning "warder"): Father Ambrose (the previous principal)
  • Qki or Kuki (meaning "corn"): Dr. Rékási József (the biology teacher)
  • Kopasz or BoZo (meaning "bald"): Boros Zoltán (the form master of the 9th A class)
  • Satu (meaning "clamp (tool)"): Csertán Károly (a literature and movie-art teacher)
  • Tehén (meaning "cow"): Csertán Judit (a history and latin teacher)
  • Zsidó (meaning "jewish"): Father Bernát (biology "teacher")
  • Bicskei (meaning "The Lord of the World"): The greatest man in the period 2000-2006, the best man in the world, better than Chuck Norris!
  • Fifkó (meaning "fifkó"): Father Fidél (history teacher)

More recent slang:

  • Ahaaa... PERSZE!!!: common saying with the meaning "I'm Father Fidél"
  • szecsöm (meaning "my friend)"): salitation between the school's students
  • Kurtág György ("a modern composer"): a common saying
  • Öüüüüü: another common saying with the meaning "I'm Father Matthias"
  • Pintér Multiplex (meaning "cinema"): The cinema of the high school, which got the name "Gyöngyössy Imre mozi" in may 2006... Unfortunately...