Ben H. Love

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Ben H. Love was the eighth Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America serving from 1985 to 1993.


[edit] Scouting professional

Prior to becoming Chief Scout Executive, Ben H. Love served as director of the Northeast Region of the Boy Scouts of America and lived in Princeton Junction, New Jersey. When he took office there were approximately 4.7 million members of the BSA.[1]

[edit] Chief Scout Executive

Loves tenure as Chief Scout Executive is remembered for introducing the BSA campaign against the five "unacceptables": hunger, illicit drugs, child abuse, youth unemployment and illiteracy. The BSA also developed coeducational "Career Awareness" Exploring during the Ben Love years.[2]

[edit] See also

Boy Scouts of America
Preceded by
James L. Tarr
Chief Scout Executive
Succeeded by
Jere Ratcliffe

[edit] References

  1. ^ Jersey Man to Head Scouts. The New York Times (October 21, 1984). Retrieved on 2 August 2007.
  2. ^ Willwerth, James (June 24, 2001). Cimarron, New Mexico Bears, Bucks And Boy Scouts. Time. Retrieved on 2 August 2007.