Belle Isle Marsh Reservation

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Belle Isle Marsh, East Boston, Massachusetts
Belle Isle Marsh, East Boston, Massachusetts

Belle Isle Marsh Reservation is a Massachusetts state park located in East Boston. The park is managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

[edit] Description

Belle Isle Marsh Reservation preserves 152 acres (0.62 km²) of the 241-acre (0.98 km²) Belle Isle Marsh, Boston's last remaining saltmarsh. These marshes once used to be prevalent along the Massachusetts Bay shoreline.

The marsh is home to multiple species of saltmarsh plants, fish, and shellfish, most rare in a metropolitan area.

Features of the reservation include landscaped pathways, benches, and an observation tower. A portion of the Boston Harborwalk runs through the reservation.

[edit] Recreational Opportunities

  • Hiking
  • Information
  • Observation Platform

[edit] External links