
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Hi!

My name is Jennifer Noelle. <== I was born 21 days after Christmas. My parents were still in the holiday mood. I'm from Indiana, USA. I love British history, especially Tudor history. I have read numerous books and articles. I have written papers and I have taken classes. (All of them about Tudor history) I like to contribute what I know so if you take offense, let me know.

Other than that, I work in real estate. I teach Sunday school and mentor our youth group. Please don't get the idea that I'm prudish. Anyway...

I live with my mom. I have 2 cats, Tippy and Hugo. I rescued Tippy from a bear. Don't ask. I go work everyday. Church almost everyday. And the rest of the time I hang out with my friends or cross-stitch or read or watch movies or go out with my dad.

That's it.