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Species: Vitis vinifera
Also called: Pinot D'Orleans (more)
Origin: France

Beaunoir is a traditional French variety of red wine grape that is a sibling of Chardonnay. The 'beautiful black' grape produces a thin wine and not much is grown these days.


[edit] History

DNA fingerprinting has shown that it is one of many grapes to be the result of a cross between Gouais Blanc (Heunisch) and Pinot, making it a full sibling of famous varieties such as Chardonnay and Aligoté. Gouais Blanc is a Croatian grape brought to Burgundy by the Romans. It used to be the most widely planted white grape in Germany and eastern France, grown by the peasants in the less favoured sites next to the better vineyards growing Pinot for their masters. This offered lots of opportunities for hybridisation, and the offspring benefited from hybrid vigour as the parents were genetically quite different.

[edit] Distribution and Wines

Like Bachet Noir, Beaunoir has almost disappeared from its home in Châtillon-sur-Seine and the Aube, between Champagne and Burgundy. The wine is very ordinary, with low alcohol and little colour.

[edit] Vine and Viticulture

Beaunoir is quite vigorous, producing small compact bunches of small grapes.

[edit] Synonyms

Cep Gris, Co Gris, Mourillon, Pinot D'Ai, Pinot D'Orleans, Seau Gris, Sogris[1]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Maul, Erika; Töpfer, Reinhard; Eibach, Rudolf (2007). Vitis International Variety Catalogue. Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof (IRZ), Siebeldingen, Germany. Retrieved on 2007-08-30.

[edit] Further reading

[edit] External links