Beast Wars Neo

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Beast Wars Neo is the 1999 Japanese Transformers television animated series and toyline and is a direct sequel to Beast Wars II. Both animated series were created to fill time in order to dub Beast Wars seasons 2 and 3 into Japanese.[original research?] While its position in Transformers continuity has previously been unknown, the IDW comic book minseries Beast Wars: The Gathering and comments from Transformers writer Simon Furman have shown it is part of the Beast Wars continuity.[citation needed]


[edit] Plot

The series centers on battles between both Maximal and Predacon (Cybertron and Destron in Japan) factions for possession of an energy source called Angolmois, which played a similar role in Beast Wars II. The lone "one-man army" Big Convoy is assigned the task of being teacher for a group of young recruits new to the battle field against Magmatron and his more battle-experienced group. By the end of the series however, both forces must unite to oppose the wrath of the dark god Unicron.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Maximals

Sent to command raw recruits, Big Convoy takes command of the Cybertron cruiser Gung Ho and begins a mission to reclaim the Angolomis Capsules scattered across the galaxy. But, this energy could contain the greatest threat the Maximals have ever known.

Big Convoy, the Convoy warrior known as the one man army, is astoundingly powerful, but prefers being alone, heading onto battlefields by himself. He wields a Big Cannon, which can blitz enemies with a single shot. On orders from Vector Sigma, Big Convoy has been appointed as an instructor to a group of young warriors. Transforms into a mammoth.

Longrack is the gabby, annoying class committee member of the group. He is quite serious about following rules to the letter, and will butt in and aggressively complain to others about it. His Arm Shot attack extends his right arm, while his Crush Arm grabs and mangles his enemies. Longrack also specializes in tinkering with machines. Transforms into a giraffe.

  • Cohrada (aka Colada or Corahda) (va Makoto Ueki)

Extraordinarily powerful in fire and dry climates. An outlaw, because he prefers acting alone and is not good at teamwork, he sometimes clashes with his teammates. The vacuum shockwaves he produces with his whip-like right hand, the Hand Vute, can slice through steel. He specializes in doing swaying, zigzag dancing to rhythm. Transforms into a cobra.

  • Stampy (va Mika Ishibashi)

Stampy is an extreme coward who frequently frustrates his teammates. For all that, he is quick enough to be cheery.... Yet his Mighty Ears hardly miss a distant sound, and his speed and intelligence-gathering abilities are outstanding. His favorite food is space carrots. Transforms into a white rabbit.

Amazingly strong in coldness, Break gives full play to his abilities on frigid worlds. He is bold and quick to lose his temper, but is also fiercely concerned for his comrades. The Break Anchors he launches from his right arm are massively destructive. Break loves bathing in ice water and is quite tidy. Transforms into a penguin.

  • Heinlad (aka Heinrad) (va Yōji Ietomi)

Heinlad usually acts dazed and vague. He has a clock in his stomach, which gives him the ability to manipulate time. His super-secret skill is being able to stop or stretch time for a limited duration, there's a flaw in this ability: he still cannot control it at will. Heinlad's past and combat abilities are surrounded in mystery. Transforms into a Tanuki Raccoon Dog.

  • Mach Kick (va Teruaki Ogawa)

Mach Kick was second-in-command of the Thoroughbred Corps, which has since been destroyed. He has copious battlefield experience and stores of all manner of wisdom. His Elastic Hand attack, which shoots out the horse's head from his arm, is amazingly destructive, while his Tail Tomahawk, a combination axe/whip, can slice an enemy in two. Transforms into a horse.

  • Navi (va Kaori Tagami)

The Maximal ship Gung-Ho's navigational computer.

[edit] Others

A lone-wolf Cybertron who won't attach himself to any group, Rockbuster's hard shell provides him an endurance that balances well with his incredible intelligence and courage. His sharp-clawed Claw Buster and Crush Claw are powerful weapons that can break any armor, no matter how hard. He has a warm friendship with his fellow male Cybertrons. Transforms into a crab.

  • Randy (va Kōhei Kowada)

Once Randy sets his heart on something he plunges at it headlong, turning for his target and charging it recklessly with amazing power. He is highly patient and honest, yet with his rather serious personality he is unable to feel at home in a group, and is now a freelance Cybertron, acting as a soldier for hire. His only firepower is his Charge Buster weapon. Transforms into a boar.

  • Sharp Edge (va Hidenori Konda)

While a bit short on sense, Sharp Edge is the scary type who will charge right in without thinking too deeply once he receives an order. He believes that continuing to fight is proof that you are alive. He has a capacity for incredible speed, and the powerful cutter hidden in his flukes, known as Diamondtail, is his highly deadly ultimate weapon. Transforms into a sawshark.

Exceedingly reserved of character, Bump is the type who pinches every credit he gets. Others think of him as gloomy, but he's happiest when curled up and retreated into his own world. He has strong, shell-like skin, and displays a lightning-fast draw-and-fire technique with the weapons at his hips. Transforms into an armadillo.

Superbly capable as an assault commander. His partner, True One, is a bat-shaped forced reconnaissance scout. He has a disagreeable impression of Big Convoy, who prefers solo actions, and hopes one day to put the Cybertron Commander into his own team and retrain him as a team player. Transforms into a bear.

[edit] Predacons

The legacy of the ancient Decepticon empire, Magmatron wants to use the power of an the Angolmois to ease their conquest of Cybertron. His team's base of operations is the battleship Dinosaur.

Magmatron's beast mode involves three dinosaurs: Landsaurus, Skysaurus, and Seasaurus. An all-around warrior more wildly evil than even Galvatron, on the one hand he is violently enthusiastic, while on the other he can judge situations quite reasonably. He is also charismatic, enough so that even other Destrons acknowledge his superiority.

Magmatron's right-hand man, Guiledart is a supporter of reason and can construct various operations as a tactician. The Thunder Horn blast he releases from his horns can heavily damage an enemy, while his tail can become a Tail Shooter, which fires powerful missiles. The ambitious type, he is watching for his chance to advance in the ranks. Transforms into a triceratops.

Saberback is a mysterious being, crafty and a liar by nature. Using his tail, he disguises himself as a flower to lure in enemies. Using the Triple Claw, the sharp talons in his right hand, at full power, he fires Laser Burn beams. One of his joys is making fun of Sling. Transforms into a stegosaurus.

Being straight of character, Sling doesn't think too deeply about things. He's evil, but has his dim, naive moments. His right arm becomes a Tail Bunker that pierces through his enemies, while his left becomes the Sling Shield to protect him. He's the gung-ho joe of the Predacons. Transforms into a dimetrodon.

Dead End is a model soldier who loves battle. Being cool and solitary of temperament, he doesn't care for joint operations. His cruelty is such that he can bring his enemy to a halt with the Spiral Bomb attack, which launches the shell off his right shoulder, then smile as he delivers the final blow with his Dead Gun. Transforms into an ammonite.

  • Archadis (va Ren Tamura)

A stylish snob, Archadis worries over how many feathers he loses in battle. He is highly cunning and talkative. His wings are armed with Wing Gundreads, rapid-fire cannons, and can drop Wing Bombs. He prides himself on his abundance of firearms, including the Founder Shot in his right arm Transforms into an archaeopteryx.

A dragonfly-shaped navigational computer. She likes giving herself a different Western girls' name each day and will be angered if the Predacons don't remember which name she is going by. Her real name is Devil Navi.

[edit] Others

The best intelligence gatherer of the Predacons, specializes in laying out all manner of traps based on the information he gains, then lying in wait and launching attacks that outwit his opposition. His Head Punch isn't just an attack; it also has a homing function and lets no information escape its sight, making it feared by friend and foe alike. Transforms into a styracosaurus.

While Hydra has no large weapons, only small ones like his "Wing Shot", his saving grace is his speed, said to be the highest of the Predacons. A tactician of excellent cunning, he devises plans that truly make things rough for the Maximals. He even confronted Lioconvoy using a junk world as a weapon. Transforms into a pteranodon.

Crazybolt is slow and sometimes seems low on strength, but is the Predacons' fastest escape artist. When danger approaches, he spreads his frill and heads for the hills. His tail rifle is powerful enough to blast through even the hull of a mighty spaceship. He also tends to prattle and has a swindler's disposition. Transforms into a Frill-necked Lizard.

  • Bazooka (va Hajime Komada)

A rarity among Predacons, Bazooka is serious and single-minded, a rustic samurai type who will not renege on anything he's said. Even Magmatron trusts him for this. Using the hammerlike lump attached to the end of his tail, Bazooka smashes open enemy head modules with his Gigaton Stamp. Transforms into an ankylosaurus.

A large bump on Hardhead's cranium makes for a strong skull, but as its interior isn't exactly packed with cerebral circuitry, he's not that intelligent. He's a stubborn type who doesn't listen to what people tell him. His Head Attack, a head-bump-first charge is surprisingly destructive. Hardhead also wields a Pilesaber blade, and is an expert in swordplay. Transforms into a pachycephalosaurus.

[edit] Blendtrons

  • Rartorarta

Possesses the form of a Lionfish and a hornet fused together. Has the cruelest heart among the Blentrons. Is willing to sacrifice his comrades for the purpose of his mission. Uses a ceremonial rapid-fire poison arrow launcher. Utilizes the cruel assassination technique "Dust Hornet".

Possesses the form of an orca and an elephant fused together. Takes pride in his enormous tusks. When he becomes angry, a powerful acidic liquid secretes from his body. Can penetrate any type of material with his Killer Tusks; shoots a liquid from his Killer Shooter that liquefies any material on contact.

Possesses the form of a lizard and dragonfly fused together. Is able to stealthily approach his enemies and behead them with the sharp edges of his 'Drancutter.' If any enemy attempts to run, he launches his 'Clap Missile,' and watches entertainingly as it seizes his opponent. Any plea for mercy is ignored, and he ruthlessly delivers the killing strike.

The most dangerous and powerful dark force in the universe. Devours moons, planets, and even stars to sustain himself. Controls his Blendtrons to destroy any opposition and reclaim the lost energy capsules that power him. Fears only the power of the Matrix.

[edit] Toyline

Beast Wars Neo's toyline contained exclusive figures available only in Japan, some of which later became available to other fans via the Hasbro online store or were available in later series, sometimes repainted and remoulded. The Transformers: Universe release of Nemesis Prime was Hasbro's repaint of Big Convoy and was released in Australia as an exclusive in addition to being a Target exclusive in the US. Nearly all of the newly produced Destron dinosaur figures were released in the US as part of the Beast machines series as filler. Magmatron ended up as a Target exclusive

[edit] Episodes

  1. Move Out Big Convoy!
  2. Get the Mysterious Capsule!
  3. Burning Spirit Below Freezing
  4. Hang in there Stampy!
  5. Mirage in the Sand
  6. Dinosaur Combiner Magmatron
  7. Duel in the Midst of Labyrinth
  8. Danger of the Black Hole
  9. Sub-Commander Longrack
  10. Whoa! Eaten!
  11. Planet of Time
  12. Hydra Alone
  13. Break is a Destron
  14. Ship's Log
  15. Mach Kick Enlists!
  16. Planet of the Ultimate Weapon
  17. Troubled DNAVI
  18. Randy, Attack!
  19. Physicist Bump
  20. Hardhead is Hardheaded
  21. Deep-sea Personal Combat
  22. The Stolen Gung-Ho
  23. Hot-blooded Instructor Survive
  24. Assemble, New Warriors!
  25. The Mysterious Beast Warrior
  26. The Stolen Capsule
  27. Pursue the Blendtrons
  28. Angered Magmatron
  29. Illusions? LioConvoy
  30. Unicron Revived...
  31. Unicron's Ambition
  32. Fight, Cybertrons!
  33. The End of the Cybertrons...
  34. The Last Battle
  35. Graduation