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Beanotown is a fictional town somewhere in the United Kingdom. The location of 'Beanotown' is unknown and undisclosed, but is believed for certain to be in the North of the country. One fictional map on the comics' 'Beano Videostars' DVD pinpointed the town close to Manchester.

As the comic is written in Dundee it is more than likely that both Beanotown and Dandytown are in Scotland.

This is contradicted by the 1996-98 Dennis and Gnasher cartoon though, as the episode involving Blue Peter shows it is possible to get from Dennis's house to BBC Television Centre during Blue Peter's 25 minute transmission time, which would make Beanotown a London borough.

Known locations include Bash Street School and Beanotown Woods (home of Splodge). There is also a home for retired Beano characters.

In several stories it is revealed the Beanotown local authorities make money (Most likely to pay for damages) by allowing tourist buses, one which being a 'Menace Tour'. This can cause the characters a lot of annoyance frequently.

According to one edition of the comic in the 1980s Beanotown is apparently to next to Whizztown (home of Billy Whizz) and near the village of Bunkerton which has a castle where Lord Snooty lives.

In some annuals, Bash Street is seen to be almost a separate town to Beanotown. It is possibly one of the largest of the town's districts.

Presumably, Beanotown is close to Dandytown. There is a long term rivalry between the two towns (just like the two comics). They also have football teams that play in the same league.