Battle of the Crimissus

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Battle of the Crimissus
Part of The Sicilian Wars
Date 340 BCE
Location the river Crimissus
Result Carthage is pushed to the south-west corner of Sicily
Syracuse Carthage
Timoleon Asdrubal
6,000 or 12,000 70,000

In 340 BCE, Carthage sent a large army under Asdrubal and Hamilcar against Syracuse. According to Plutarch, the force numbered 70,000 and included many four horsed war chariots and Timoleon commanded only 5000 foot and a 1000 cavalry against them. Others put his forces somewhat larger at 12,000. Timoleon was able to catch the Carthaginians as they were crossing the river Crimissus, first sending his cavalry against them to disorder them and to prevent the Carthaginians forming a proper line. When the Greek infantry attacked a storm broke out and as the wind was blowing into the faces of the Carthaginians it became even more difficult for them to fight. The crack Carthaginian citizen Sacred Band fought bravely and, according to accounts, to the last man.

The Carthaginians were defeated and Timolean captured their baggage camp.

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