Battle of Llantada

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Battle of Llantada
Part of the Reconquista
Date July 19, 1068
Location On the banks of the banks of the Pisuerga River on the boundary between León and Castile
Result Victory for Sancho II of Castile
Sancho II of Castile
Alfonso VI of León
Sancho II of Castile
Alfarez Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
Alfonso VI of León
unknown unknown
Casualties and losses
unknown unknown

The Battle of Llantada (Spanish:Batalla de Llantada) was fought on July 19, 1068 in the time of the moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula and the middle stages of the Iberian Reconquista, most notably most of southern Iberian Peninsula.

[edit] Battle

King Sancho II of Castile The Strong defeated Alfonso VI of León The Brave on the banks of the Pisuerga River in the boundary between León and Castile. The Castilians under Sancho II of Castile and Rodrigo Diaz defeated the Leónese and Alfonso fleed. Alfonso VI of León lead a campaign against Badajoz, but withdrew when Emir Mamun ibn Dhi-I-Nun of Toledo interceded. Badajoz became tributary to León. Later the Emir of Badajoz died and his two sons disputed the succession.

[edit] Aftermath and Hypothesis

Llantada is the result of a challenge between both kings who served mainly to increase Rodrigo's prestige (it is in this time, when he started to be called "El Campeador") ... and to make him win some ennemies in the Leonese Court, and even in the Castilian one (as a member of the Low Nobility, he was seen as a parvenu by the High noblemen).

[edit] External Links