Battle of El Toro

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Battle of El Toro
Part of the Chilean War of Independence
Date March 6, 1820
Location Hacienda El Toro, near Tegualda in Fresia commune
Result Patriot victory
Chilean patriots Flag of Spain Spain
Flag of France Jorge Beauchef Flag of Spain Gaspar Fernández de Bombadilla
Casualties and losses
11 killed
29 wounded
40 killed
106 POWs

The Battle of El Toro was a battle fought near Maullín, Chile on March 6, 1820 between Chilean patriots and Spanish royalists, during the Chilean War of Independence. After the capture of Valdivia Lord Thomas Cochrane left Jorge Beauchef as commander of troops in Valdivia. Beauchef headed south to Osorno and Maullín to expel the royalist from the Chilean mainland. Previous to the battle royalists had had fled from Osorno and Valdivia and gathered at Carelmapu Fort. The governor of Chiloé ordered Fernández de Bombadilla to return north to combat the patriots. Beauchef sent a scouting group under command of José María Labé before the main troops. When they were advancing south they meet the numericallly superior royalist at Hacienda El Toro and had to retreat until Beuchefs troops came to aid.
